Ducati Monster Forum

Local Clubs => NEMHA => Topic started by: Ducatamount on May 07, 2013, 05:20:39 AM

Title: Meet at Curtis' BBQ - Sun. May 19
Post by: Ducatamount on May 07, 2013, 05:20:39 AM
On May 19 (Sun.) there will be many (last year 60) Ducati's meeting up for lunch.
http://curtisbbqvt.com/ (http://curtisbbqvt.com/)

Title: Re: Meet at Curtis' BBQ
Post by: herm on May 08, 2013, 06:30:14 PM
wow, that sounds like fun! I have family that used to live in Putney. Kind of a long haul for from ME though...

Title: Re: Meet at Curtis' BBQ
Post by: Charlief on May 10, 2013, 08:37:03 AM
I did this ride last year. It's called the "meet in the middle ride".  I'm guessing there were Atleast over  100 bikes there. Good food too!

More info on meet ups and routes here

http://nedoc.org/forums/index.php?topic=3522.0 (http://nedoc.org/forums/index.php?topic=3522.0)

Title: Re: Meet at Curtis' BBQ
Post by: The Architect on May 13, 2013, 08:28:53 AM
It is a lot of fun!  And I strongly recommend it. 

Unfortunately I can't make it this year. 

Title: Re: Meet at Curtis' BBQ
Post by: faolan01 on May 13, 2013, 11:14:15 AM
Would love to, but already have plans for the day to drive up to a friend's summer kick-off cookout. Several of the people heading up don't have cars, so I was sort of volunteered to bring a couple of them with me.

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