Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => Accessories & Mods => Topic started by: nizfiz on May 13, 2013, 02:41:29 PM

Title: eBay pressure plate and clutch cover install
Post by: nizfiz on May 13, 2013, 02:41:29 PM
I received these babies today. At first glance they look good:

(http://i1283.photobucket.com/albums/a554/Alexandre_Fisher/other/IMAG0790_zpscdd6bd26.jpg) (http://s1283.photobucket.com/user/Alexandre_Fisher/media/other/IMAG0790_zpscdd6bd26.jpg.html)

Installation is pretty easy for this stuff. One difficulty though is that on this eBay pressure plate, there is no marking on one of the six spring/cap/bolt holes to indicate correct positioning relative to the clutch drum. For those who haven't done this before, I realize that makes no sense.

(http://i1283.photobucket.com/albums/a554/Alexandre_Fisher/other/IMAG0791_zpsff4ca846.jpg) (http://s1283.photobucket.com/user/Alexandre_Fisher/media/other/IMAG0791_zpsff4ca846.jpg.html)

I actually wondered why it would matter, as the pressure plate looks the same all around. Then I realized that the little teeth in the back of the pressure plate lock into the grooves of the clutch drum. The teeth on the pressure plate will mesh with the grooves on the drum regardless of how you position the pressure plate. However, the little pylons (dunno what else to call them) that the spring cap bolts screw into will only be centered in their hole if the pressure plate is put on in one specific position. Basically, if you don't do it right, the springs/caps/bolts will be off center in their respective holes and probably won't tighten down properly.

So, I tried the plate in the 6 different positions and chose the one that looked the most centered, which was reasonably easy to tell.

For a different look, I painted my old caps white and baked them at 170 for 25 minutes. I'm not convinced about the white look, but it's alright for now.

(http://i1283.photobucket.com/albums/a554/Alexandre_Fisher/other/IMAG0793_zpscc19b690.jpg) (http://s1283.photobucket.com/user/Alexandre_Fisher/media/other/IMAG0793_zpscc19b690.jpg.html)

Here it is all together. I'm frustrated that you can see the drum and the basket a bit more easily with this plate. The basket has gone from anodized red to shit brown, and the red clutch dust along with a little rust has made the drum ugly. Anyway, a problem for another day.

The clutch cover is very nice and fit just right.

(http://i1283.photobucket.com/albums/a554/Alexandre_Fisher/other/IMAG0794_zps8d9b0ab4.jpg) (http://s1283.photobucket.com/user/Alexandre_Fisher/media/other/IMAG0794_zps8d9b0ab4.jpg.html)

(http://i1283.photobucket.com/albums/a554/Alexandre_Fisher/other/IMAG0795_zps6a935fdb.jpg) (http://s1283.photobucket.com/user/Alexandre_Fisher/media/other/IMAG0795_zps6a935fdb.jpg.html)

Here is my old barnett pressure plate and gold caps (filthy sorry). It has faded a little bit. I'll either sell it as is, sell it once I powder-coat it some awesome colour that someone won't be able to resist, or I'll powdercoat it black and swap it back on.

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