Title: M695 Rizoma Rearsets High Mount Adapters - HELP Post by: OrangeDragon on May 16, 2013, 07:29:28 AM Hello,
I would really like to install the Rizoma Rearsets on my 2007 Monster 695. But I need Rizoma kit/part PE569 to do this. Unfortunately the high mount adapter kit is sold out and discontinued. Here is a link to what they look like: http://www.monsterparts.com/pc/PE569/Controls-Foot/PE569.html (http://www.monsterparts.com/pc/PE569/Controls-Foot/PE569.html) Does any one have a this rizoma adapter kit to sell? Does anyone have this kit and willing to post some specs on the adapters and I can try and get them CNC'd local to me? or If someone is willing to take their adapters to their local CNC shop and then I can coordinate with that shop for payment/fabrication/shipping/etc? Thanks in advance for your help. Title: Re: M695 Rizoma Rearsets High Mount Adapters - HELP Post by: Real Recognize Real on May 16, 2013, 03:31:19 PM I feel your pain and I called several places trying to find this part. When I contacted PJ @PJparts, he recommended using spacers/bushings in lieu of the high mount adapters. The only other thing you would need to find are the appropriate bolts. Good luck!
Title: Re: M695 Rizoma Rearsets High Mount Adapters - HELP Post by: OrangeDragon on May 16, 2013, 05:47:00 PM Yep. I contacted PJs a few places in Canada, Italy and UK. no luck.
PJs told me the same but I have no clue what size bushings and bolts I will need. Jeff at monster parts said he might be able to CNC something for me but I need the orginal to copy or someone to maybe give me some dimensions. I would need dimensions for the bushings as well if I go that route. Hopefully someone on this forum has them and can share some specs on the adapter kit. Title: Re: M695 Rizoma Rearsets High Mount Adapters - HELP Post by: DarkMonster620 on May 16, 2013, 05:55:47 PM with the OEM rearset and hi mount Termis, the spacers that come in the kit are about 12mm/0.5" thick they push out the rearset enough for the up-pipe or S-pipe [which ever you want to call it] passes thru . . .
so if you have the OEM rearsets, you can measure . .. or, if you have some time, allow me to find those spacers and measure them and post measurements Title: Re: M695 Rizoma Rearsets High Mount Adapters - HELP Post by: ajw85 on May 17, 2013, 05:28:35 AM If you really want them and are comfortable spending that much on a set of rearsets, just buy them. The modifications are trivial.
Put them on your bike and figure out how far you're going to have to move them to work with your high mount exhaust. Then buy the longer machine screws required and have their respective spacers machined out of aluminum or whatever. Labor and material will probably be less than the $90 that the adapter kit originally costs. Finally, make notes of what work you did, make more adapter kits and sell them to other people who want to buy these rearsets. Title: Re: M695 Rizoma Rearsets High Mount Adapters - HELP Post by: Real Recognize Real on May 17, 2013, 06:38:28 AM This place is great for these applications: http://www.mcmaster.com/#unthreaded-spacers/=msfmjn (http://www.mcmaster.com/#unthreaded-spacers/=msfmjn)