Title: Replacing the Ducati Performance slipper clutch Pressure plate Post by: potpockey on May 22, 2013, 05:39:46 AM Hey guys,
I recently upgraded to an M1100,and it came with a DP slipper clutch. It has been low sided once and the pressure plate has some annoying dings on it - besides that the bike is in great condition and runs well - I am VERY happy with the purchase :) I would like to replace the pressure plate, I know that regular dry clutch pressure plates wont fit, are there any aftermarket plates available that fit the DP slipper? Thanks a lot! Title: Re: Replacing the Ducati Performance slipper clutch Pressure plate Post by: TitanMonsterS4R on May 22, 2013, 05:53:31 AM I would check out sponsor MotoWheels for a slipper clutch pressure plate. Believe EVR makes one that might work.