Title: 2001 S4 PCIII Map Needed Post by: Magnus on July 04, 2008, 05:40:28 AM Had my bike dyno'd last year, but at the time it had some faulty injectors... so i have some real rough spots in my map.
I want to get it dyno'd again, but before i do that I figured I try some alternate maps to make sure I don't have some other problem. If someone has a PCIII map for an '01 S4, open airbox, non-stock exhaust, I would appreciate it... thanks. Something better than map available on the dynjojet site, those aren't so great... of course a map needs to be made for a specific bike for it to be perfect, but this is just a test before i get mine redone. Title: Re: 2001 S4 PCIII Map Needed Post by: Magnus on July 04, 2008, 08:41:42 PM i remember a thread... maybe it was on the old board... someone wanted to start up a repository of sorts for pciii maps. anyone remember that, or am i mistaken?
Title: Re: 2001 S4 PCIII Map Needed Post by: jerryz on July 05, 2008, 11:14:41 PM Magnus PM me with Email and i will send u a great map , my S4 is 2001 Termis ,open air box its a custom map and really good.
Title: Re: 2001 S4 PCIII Map Needed Post by: Slide Panda on July 06, 2008, 04:43:09 AM Dyno jet will have some maps on their site as well if Jerryzs map offering doesn't fit the bill.
Title: Re: 2001 S4 PCIII Map Needed Post by: jerryz on July 06, 2008, 05:48:21 AM All the Dyno jet site maps for S4 are rubbish ,i have tried them all.