Title: Monster 620 Neutral switch? Post by: Bun-bun on July 04, 2008, 02:10:33 PM I have an '02 M620ie and the neutral light on the gauge cluster just up and quit working. I know that the light is good, as it goes on when the gauges cycle at startup. I expect thast there is a switch somewhere on the bike that has decided to die, and my question is: where would I look for that switch?
Any help would be appreciated. Jeff Title: Re: Monster 620 Neutral switch? Post by: Howie on July 04, 2008, 04:53:54 PM The switch is in the back of the engine in a recess. There is a single wire attached to it. If you ground that wire with the key on the neutral light should illuminate.
Title: Re: Monster 620 Neutral switch? Post by: Bun-bun on July 04, 2008, 07:19:03 PM Thanks Howie.
I'll check it out tomorrow. Happy Independence day to you (Assuming you're in the states, of course.). Jeff Title: Re: Monster 620 Neutral switch? Post by: Bun-bun on July 05, 2008, 07:49:50 AM Found it.
Wire pulled off the switch. Once I knew where to look it was obvious. Thanks again Howie. Jeff |