Title: 01 Exhaust for a 96 Monster??? Post by: M900 on July 05, 2008, 05:36:39 AM Hello, new guy here. My battery leaked onto my engine and my slave cylinder blew. So while buying an Evo kit, I wound up with a new pressure plate, and after drilling my cover and painting the crankcase cover to clean up the battery acid, I was bitten by the mod bug and I'm now looking for a set of pipes for my Monster.
My question is, will a set of high carry pipes made for an 01 Monster fit my 96 M 900??? I don't mind tweaking the carbs -- my bike's been running rich and I'd need to do that with any exhaust mod anyway, but I would like to prevent getting stuff machined or fussing with a dremel to make the pipes fit... Title: Re: 01 Exhaust for a 96 Monster??? Post by: m9hundo on July 05, 2008, 11:32:01 AM it'll fit [thumbsup]
Title: Re: 01 Exhaust for a 96 Monster??? Post by: M900 on July 05, 2008, 11:39:47 AM it'll fit [thumbsup] Good... I was getting antsy so I went ahead and bought a pair from Oncycle. I checked the prices on eBay and at $280, I can at least flip it for that if it doesn't fit.... although I do hope it does. |