Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => Accessories & Mods => Topic started by: eltoshan on July 01, 2013, 03:39:16 PM

Title: Stipped Center Pinch Bolt on Speedymoto Top Triple
Post by: eltoshan on July 01, 2013, 03:39:16 PM
Hey guys, I just realized that the center pinch bolt on my Speedymoto top triple is stripped.  Of course this is the one where I had to cut a allen wrench short enough to tighten in the first place since the ignition switch is in the way (even with the steering stop backed all the way out it was still not enough room).  I'm thinking that there isn't a way to access this bolt to extract it out with a drill without taking the ignition switch off.  Any alternatives?

Title: Re: Stipped Center Pinch Bolt on Speedymoto Top Triple
Post by: Speeddog on July 01, 2013, 03:52:22 PM
Sometimes a Torx driver will be a good size to hammer into what's left of the 'hex', and can get enough grip to get the bolt out.

What year Monster is it?

Title: Re: Stipped Center Pinch Bolt on Speedymoto Top Triple
Post by: eltoshan on July 01, 2013, 04:23:34 PM
2012 796.  I'll definitely try the torx idea, though I'm not sure if there's enough room between the ignition and triple to fit it

Title: Re: Stipped Center Pinch Bolt on Speedymoto Top Triple
Post by: Speeddog on July 01, 2013, 04:38:33 PM
I'd say remove the ignition.

You want the best possible chance to get it out on the first try.

Title: Re: Stipped Center Pinch Bolt on Speedymoto Top Triple
Post by: SpikeC on July 01, 2013, 05:28:54 PM
 cutting torch.

Title: Re: Stipped Center Pinch Bolt on Speedymoto Top Triple
Post by: Skybarney on July 02, 2013, 02:44:24 PM
cutting torch.

This is truly a bad idea.  The heat from the torch can destroy the heat treating in the triple and even boil the oil in the front forks due to the heat transfer. 

I would opt for a Sawzall.........................

Okay my honest solution would be to try Craftsman extractors.  Should that not work you may need to find someone to weld another nut to the existing nut.  As scary that may sound I know a welder or two good enough to pull it off.   

Title: Re: Stipped Center Pinch Bolt on Speedymoto Top Triple
Post by: suzyj on July 02, 2013, 03:30:57 PM
Are you sure it's not the battery?

More seriously, are you sure you're using the right size tools? Monsters are metric. A 3/16" hex is 4.8mm, just the right size to destroy a fastener made for a 5mm hex...

If the hammered torx doesn't do the job, drill the head off the fastener. Then it'll come out relatively easily.

Title: Re: Stipped Center Pinch Bolt on Speedymoto Top Triple
Post by: SpikeC on July 02, 2013, 03:32:56 PM
 Butt serially, the best approach is to remove as much stuff as you possibly can to optimize accessibility to the part in question. Short cuts mean big cuts, if ya know what I mean.

Title: Re: Stipped Center Pinch Bolt on Speedymoto Top Triple
Post by: Ddan on July 02, 2013, 04:11:03 PM
If you tighten the other two bolts it should take some of the load of the stripped one making it easier to back out.

Title: Re: Stipped Center Pinch Bolt on Speedymoto Top Triple
Post by: corey on July 05, 2013, 07:45:19 AM
i hate that damn bolt.
i've already resolved that next time i remove it, I'm replacing it with a titanium one for good measure. no stripping it that way.

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