Title: Returning to the Dark Side Post by: tfmktm on July 06, 2008, 08:06:42 AM Hi All,
We just acquired an '02 S4 with a salvage title. She has been put back together, and is quite a charmer. She is in dire need of new tires, so neither my husband nor I have been able to get acquainted yet. Our last Monster was a '95 M900. The '95 had carb issues due to too many mods done all at the same time, with no time in between to sort each one out. Making for a highly unreliable steed. It feels good to have an Italian Mistress(tm) grace our garage again. She will be keeping our '66 Diana company amongst the rice burners. We're here looking for tips, tricks, and gotchyas that may or may not come along with owning an S4. Any and all comments, advice, quips are welcome. I look forward to chatting with you all! IPAs always on tap. :) Title: Re: Returning to the Dark Side Post by: TiNi on July 06, 2008, 08:11:26 AM hello and welcome :)
nice to see another woman on the forum [thumbsup] b sure to check out the women's section and your local board! good luck with the S4 Title: Re: Returning to the Dark Side Post by: somegirl on July 06, 2008, 08:30:42 PM Welcome and congrats on the new bike. [thumbsup] There's a few S4 owners around, you should be able to get advice as needed.
I'm sure you will have fun once you get those tires. [moto] Title: Re: Returning to the Dark Side Post by: tfmktm on July 07, 2008, 06:57:15 PM Welcome and congrats on the new bike. [thumbsup] There's a few S4 owners around, you should be able to get advice as needed. I'm sure you will have fun once you get those tires. [moto] Thanks for the welcomes! And I DID have fun with it on new tires! We took it to the track today! Rick Salmon (SBMotorsports) set us up with some new skins, Jim (my hubby) scrubbed them in during the Advanced session, then I got to play for the rest of the day (between registration tasks) in <cough>beginner<ahem>. I couldn't believe how comfortable I was with the bike almost immediately after entering the track! The only BIG thing to get used to is the massive TORQUE! Holy f*ck, I need to learn the new meaning of sssssssssssmmmmmmmmmmmmoooooooooooooooooth on the throttle - especially out of the bus stop and out of T4 at Pacific Raceways. Its WAY cool shooting down the front straight with the throttle pinned and feel the engine STILL pulling. Wee! :) I only wish I had more time on it, but there were a few sessions I had to miss due to riders being transported - one broke his collar bone in T4, the other didn't pump up his brakes after changing tires, and LAUNCHED his bike OVER the wall in T2. The bike ended up over the burm(sp?) almost striking a guy putting up fencing on the other side. The rider bailed and looked to have broken a couple of ribs. Being the registrar, I had to make sure emergency contacts were called, they had the ID/wallet/etc they needed at the ER, and their stuff got loaded and accounted for. Made me miss two sessions dammit. :) More soon! Thanks All! Title: Re: Returning to the Dark Side Post by: somegirl on July 07, 2008, 08:04:25 PM Wow, sounds like a great time! Hope to see some you in some action pictures. :) Which track did you go to?