Title: Black/cf front fender on a red S2R - anyone? Post by: stopintime on July 06, 2008, 12:16:06 PM I was looking at my red bike today, wondering if it is too red, too much plastic ???
The front might look lighter and higher with a less visible black fender? Pictures or thoughts on this? (I miss the configurator :() Title: Re: Black/cf front fender on a red S2R - anyone? Post by: monsterduc on July 06, 2008, 11:08:26 PM I've got a cf front fender on my red/wht '05 S2R. I can't find the members gallery on this site and apparently my photos were deleted at TOB, so no picture to post. [bang]
I sort of changed it on a whim. There was a Ducati picnic where a guy with a red M900 had a cf fender and wanted my red one so we traded. At first I wasn't sure I liked it but now I do. :) Title: Re: Black/cf front fender on a red S2R - anyone? Post by: COWBOY on July 06, 2008, 11:50:57 PM Here you go. I like the look (obviously). IMO it makes the bike look more compact and aggressive.
(http://utopiagaming.org/WebPics/ScottsPics/RedDragon.jpg) (http://utopiagaming.org/WebPics/ScottsPics/DragonRiderAvatar.jpg) (http://utopiagaming.org/WebPics/ScottsPics/DragonRider2.jpg) |