Title: Bolts to connect battery terminals to battery. Post by: Toucan on July 07, 2008, 04:10:54 AM I bought a new battery and I turned the old one in with the bolts.. I know, I'm a moron. Anywho, I can't find replacement bolts that fit correctly. The wholes seem to be a quarter inch but a quarter inch bolt doesn't fit in there tightly and they rattle loose when I'm riding around. I'm guessing I need metric sized bolts but does anyone know what size? Thank you.
Title: Re: Bolts to connect battery terminals to battery. Post by: muscle_cars_only on July 07, 2008, 07:01:17 AM Go to your local auto parts store. Where the lawnmower and motorcycle batteries are. It is a bolt but a nut slides underneath the post. Should only be around 3 bucks at most. Better yet go to where you bought it and tell them none came with it.