Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => Accessories & Mods => Topic started by: The ModFather on August 29, 2013, 06:59:20 PM

Title: Paint Camshaft Endcap
Post by: The ModFather on August 29, 2013, 06:59:20 PM
I want to paint the Camshaft Endcap with the Ducati logo on it. I know there's bearings on the other side that are supposed to be a pain to get out and you have to seal it when you put it back on so I'm thinking about taping off around it covering the rest of the bike and front tire/forks with plastic and tape and just hitting it with VHT. Anyone else paint or PC this thing? If its not a pain to deal with I would just PC it. (I just took off my clutch cover case and crank case and sent those to the PC. This part though is not as noticeable as the engine casings and easy to tape off so after all the work that went in to taking apart the casings for powder coating I dont want to deal with this unless its real easy and from what I'm reading on line its not. Anyone else paint this piece? Easy to get off and put back on? Should I PC it or just VHT it? Thoughts?

Title: Re: Paint Camshaft Endcap
Post by: monsta on August 29, 2013, 08:51:43 PM
take it off, warm it up and the bearing should just drop out.

then send it to powder coaters with the others....

or, take it off. mask it up and paint it....

Title: Re: Paint Camshaft Endcap
Post by: suzyj on August 30, 2013, 01:53:05 AM
Much neater job if ya pull em off. Not so hard to do - just a bit of a twist and some encouragement with a paint scraper between head and cam cap.

I used VHT satin black on mine. They came up pretty nicely.


Title: Re: Paint Camshaft Endcap
Post by: The ModFather on August 30, 2013, 04:48:14 AM
Did you oven bake the VHT or just let the engine heat do it? Do I need to use a sealant or gasket when putting it back on?

Title: Re: Paint Camshaft Endcap
Post by: suzyj on August 30, 2013, 05:14:08 AM
I popped them on a baking tray on some grease proof paper (alongside my valve covers, clutch cover, and stator cover), and baked them at 100 degrees C for an hour.

It's a tad pongy. Best to run the fan in your rangehood while you do it. Helps to be the one who runs the kitchen, too.

CA cycleworks do a nice gasket, that doesn't even leak. I didn't use any threebond or other sealant, save a dab of motor oil to moisten it.

http://ca-cycleworks.com/products/maintenance/gaskets-o-rings/g2310a (http://ca-cycleworks.com/products/maintenance/gaskets-o-rings/g2310a)

The secret with VHT is to warm the can up in hot water, do a first really thin coat, then force yourself to wait a full twenty minutes before doing a second wet coat. Otherwise it's Birdseye city.

Title: Re: Paint Camshaft Endcap
Post by: ungeheuer on August 30, 2013, 05:58:22 AM
Otherwise it's Birdseye city.
Dubois County, Indiana?

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