Title: Who wants to go cycling? Post by: duckwrench13 on July 07, 2008, 02:55:57 PM I'm just getting back on the bike, so I'm hoping some of you Cat-1/Cat-2 types would be willing to take it down a notch and help me rebuild my fitness base. I'm sick of being injured/disabled, and could really use some good, fun, motivating cycling partners. [thumbsup] Before my back injury, I was a Cat-2 roadie and cyclocrosser, and a Sr. Expert/Semi-Pro XC racer, so I'm no stranger to suffering. [evil] I'd like to find folks that are willing to push me, but not so hard I re-injure myself.
For road rides, I'm good with shorter loops for now. Something around 20-30 miles, and relatively easy terrain. I can do some short steep efforts, but really can't maintain a proper climbing posture for too long. (Sorry 'Belle, no racing to the top of Diablo or Hamilton this time. [cheeky]) As for doing any mountain bike rides, well, those are going to have to wait a while longer. Easy fire roads, and very short distances...2-5 miles...is about all I can handle right now. It's easy for me to get to the Headlands from my place, but I'm not opposed to other rides either. Maybe a Paradise Loop? Some nice East bay stuff? Let me know. Thanks! ;D Title: Re: Who wants to go cycling? Post by: CharliesAngel on July 07, 2008, 04:34:50 PM Hmmm, (un)fortunately, cycling hasn't entered my vocabulary of hobbies quite yet... i don't think there are enough days in the week! Have fun!
Title: Re: Who wants to go cycling? Post by: mostrobelle on July 07, 2008, 05:58:32 PM Sounds perfect for Enzo...I don't think he frees up till August though.
Title: Re: Who wants to go cycling? Post by: ROBsS4R on July 07, 2008, 07:41:28 PM I may be up for it. I am trying to build my endurance up now since I have not been on a bike for 10 plus years. The first week I road to work it kicked my ass and thats mostly all flat omw to work :-\ Title: Re: Who wants to go cycling? Post by: somegirl on July 07, 2008, 07:46:58 PM Let me know when you go, I could be in if my schedule allows. I'd be in for easy MTBing as well, my folder doesn't have a lot of clearance so light duty trails are better. I can bring the folder on the road rides too to slow me down.
Title: Re: Who wants to go cycling? Post by: mostrobelle on July 07, 2008, 08:19:54 PM I'll be down for some tamer stuff in August myself--after the 2nd. [thumbsup]
...and I'm not "category" anything!! You have to actually compete (and win, no?) to get that! [cheeky] Title: Re: Who wants to go cycling? Post by: duckwrench13 on July 07, 2008, 09:28:40 PM Hmmm.... just thought of this after reading about 707's crash. If I had one of the Ducati carbon fiber bicycles, and I crashed while out on a ride, would that still count towards the ticker?
It is a Ducati. It's engineered to the last detail, materials researched and chosen by, components selected by, and even QA'd by Ducati after production. The only thing Bianchi does is provide the production facilities...which Ducati oversees. So in effect, it is a true Ducati. So would crashing one count towards the ticker? ??? If someone would like to buy me one, I will try my best not to prove this. [laugh] Title: Re: Who wants to go cycling? Post by: mostrobelle on July 07, 2008, 09:44:06 PM No. It needs to be motorized, and you don't count as a "motor." [cheeky]
Title: Re: Who wants to go cycling? Post by: x136 on July 07, 2008, 10:02:37 PM Hmm, I'm hearing words like "tame" and "easy". That's my kind of ride!
One or two of my bikes might be convinced to take on dirt trails (and look funny doing so), but on-road will likely work out better. Title: Re: Who wants to go cycling? Post by: duckwrench13 on July 08, 2008, 06:21:49 AM So it's looking like it will be in the mid 70's here in the city, which means it should be even better in the rest of the bay area. Who's up for a ride?
I'd like to do at least 30 miles minimum. I'm open to suggestions. [thumbsup] Title: Re: Who wants to go cycling? Post by: b. on July 08, 2008, 07:42:16 AM i'm new to the sport as well...if this really shapes up to be more of a tame ride then i'd be up for tagging along and meeting some of you MOBsters.
...if not, let me know and i won't hold up the group! [thumbsup] b. Title: Re: Who wants to go cycling? Post by: duckwrench13 on July 08, 2008, 08:35:03 AM i'm new to the sport as well...if this really shapes up to be more of a tame ride then i'd be up for tagging along and meeting some of you MOBsters. ...if not, let me know and i won't hold up the group! [thumbsup] b. This is a "I have a pair of crushed vertebrae and ruptured disk, and need to rebuild my fitness and help recover from my injury," kind of ride. The pace will be a comfortable "push" just below threshold. No one will get dropped. No one will get worked beyond their limits. Well, not too far beyond. [laugh] Title: Re: Who wants to go cycling? Post by: b. on July 08, 2008, 09:11:50 AM great! this sounds like the perfect setting for me not to embarrass myself too much!
Title: Re: Who wants to go cycling? Post by: duckwrench13 on July 08, 2008, 03:44:05 PM I'm thinking of doing some decent mileage on Saturday. Possibly a Paradise/Tiburon loop.
Something like this: 9-ish @ my place. Pre-ride coffee, bagels & light nibblies. [coffee] [bacon] Roll out around 10. Easy roll down through 'hood, to Sunset Greenway, into Golden Gate Park. Easy pace to Golden Gate Bridge, down to Sausalito and on to the bike path. Stop @ Cafe Trieste for break/stretch. [coffee] Gently pick up pace along way to Tiburon. Stop @ whatever that cafe is on the corner of the main street. [coffee] Ride back to Sausalito, then back across bridge, and back to the "Duck Cave." [thumbsup] I'll map this and post it up in a little bit...have to swap laundry loads first. [laugh] Title: Re: Who wants to go cycling? Post by: somegirl on July 08, 2008, 07:43:41 PM Won't make it on Saturday as we have a group folding bike ride. May see in in the city or on the GG bridge though. Have fun. [thumbsup]
Title: Re: Who wants to go cycling? Post by: duckwrench13 on July 08, 2008, 07:56:53 PM Well, apparently, Google Maps doesn't allow you to route in bike paths. [bang] But the closest "road" route came out to be just around 30 miles.
There are a few climbs, but nothing HC (for those of you unfamiliar with "Hors Categorie," it means OMFG I'M GOING TO DIE!! [puke]) Overall, it's a very fun, very easy going, very rewarding loop! So who's in? Title: Re: Who wants to go cycling? Post by: somegirl on July 08, 2008, 08:01:44 PM Well, apparently, Google Maps doesn't allow you to route in bike paths. [bang] Try Bikely (http://www.bikely.com/). You can go off-road or follow the road. It will give you an elevation profile too. Title: Re: Who wants to go cycling? Post by: x136 on July 08, 2008, 08:09:36 PM So who's in? Ditto on this Saturday not working out. But if your route takes you down Embarcadero or by Crissy Field, you might see a gaggle of weirdos on freakish little bikes surrounded by TV crews and reporters. ;D It will give you an elevation profile too. If it's currently in the mood to do so. Title: Re: Who wants to go cycling? Post by: duckwrench13 on July 08, 2008, 10:27:52 PM Here's the loop:
http://www.bikely.com/maps/bike-path/SF-Around-Paradise-Point-and-Return Thanks for the info on Bikely!! Title: Re: Who wants to go cycling? Post by: b. on July 09, 2008, 06:51:46 AM bummer, saturday's a negative for me too dw. enjoy the ride though!
b. Title: Re: Who wants to go cycling? Post by: remy on July 09, 2008, 09:48:40 AM Here's the loop: http://www.bikely.com/maps/bike-path/SF-Around-Paradise-Point-and-Return Thanks for the info on Bikely!! Oh, that's Paradise Loop. I love that route. I might be up for this, Duckwrench. If I go, I might call it quits in Tiburon and take the ferry back to SF. I'm a bit out of shape since my work days leave me no time to exercise regularly. Title: Re: Who wants to go cycling? Post by: sonofabike on July 09, 2008, 12:54:53 PM Negative on Saturday. Would have loved to tag along if this were Sunday -- good distance and route given the overall weekend plan. Oh well, 'nuther time.
This is a "I have a pair of crushed vertebrae and ruptured disk, and need to rebuild my fitness and help recover from my injury," kind of ride. The pace will be a comfortable "push" just below threshold. No one will get dropped. No one will get worked beyond their limits. Well, not too far beyond. [laugh] Hah, I've heard this sort of litany before. A higher-up Cat-3 friend of mine crushes a vertebra too, pulverizes his collarbone, snaps his femur. 5 months later, barely back on the bike for 2 weeks, I still can't keep up with the mofo. The picture's forming pretty clearly: If I ever wanna go on a ride with you AND be social at least half the time, it had BETTER be soon while you're still sorta gimpy. [laugh] Title: Re: Who wants to go cycling? Post by: duckwrench13 on July 10, 2008, 06:36:10 PM I was originally thinking of going on Saturday, but I forgot it's Maria's "work" day... she has her own business, and does all of her production work on Saturdays.
So how's Sunday? Earlier is better, but I'm open to other times too. Negative on Saturday. Would have loved to tag along if this were Sunday -- good distance and route given the overall weekend plan. Oh well, 'nuther time. Hah, I've heard this sort of litany before. A higher-up Cat-3 friend of mine crushes a vertebra too, pulverizes his collarbone, snaps his femur. 5 months later, barely back on the bike for 2 weeks, I still can't keep up with the mofo. The picture's forming pretty clearly: If I ever wanna go on a ride with you AND be social at least half the time, it had BETTER be soon while you're still sorta gimpy. [laugh] Well, FWIW, it's still taking me 30 minutes to go from my place, through the 'hood, up Portola, over Twin Peaks, down Market to 8th & Harrison... I'm still out of shape. [cheeky] Title: Re: Who wants to go cycling? Post by: HaloDoc on July 11, 2008, 06:10:26 AM I'm just getting back on the bike, so I'm hoping some of you Cat-1/Cat-2 types would be willing to take it down a notch and help me rebuild my fitness base. I'm sick of being injured/disabled, and could really use some good, fun, motivating cycling partners. [thumbsup] Before my back injury, I was a Cat-2 roadie and cyclocrosser, and a Sr. Expert/Semi-Pro XC racer, so I'm no stranger to suffering. [evil] I'd like to find folks that are willing to push me, but not so hard I re-injure myself. For road rides, I'm good with shorter loops for now. Something around 20-30 miles, and relatively easy terrain. I can do some short steep efforts, but really can't maintain a proper climbing posture for too long. (Sorry 'Belle, no racing to the top of Diablo or Hamilton this time. [cheeky]) As for doing any mountain bike rides, well, those are going to have to wait a while longer. Easy fire roads, and very short distances...2-5 miles...is about all I can handle right now. It's easy for me to get to the Headlands from my place, but I'm not opposed to other rides either. Maybe a Paradise Loop? Some nice East bay stuff? Let me know. Thanks! ;D Duckwrench13, I'd be interested in a bicycle ride up around the Mount Tam area on Sunday. We generally have a few guys that get together for a fun mountain bike ride up the fire trails. But no more bashing our fellow veterans. HaloDoc Title: Re: Who wants to go cycling? Post by: remy on July 11, 2008, 09:15:35 AM I can't do the ride on this Sunday, I've got other stuff planned. Maybe another time, then.
Title: Re: Who wants to go cycling? Post by: b. on July 11, 2008, 10:07:10 AM I can't do the ride on this Sunday, I've got other stuff planned. Maybe another time, then. ditto. Title: Re: Who wants to go cycling? Post by: sonofabike on July 11, 2008, 01:58:13 PM [bang] I committed to other plans for Sunday before I found out you did the day switcheroo.
Title: Re: Who wants to go cycling? Post by: Desmostro on July 11, 2008, 02:09:19 PM lets do it soon. [thumbsup]
I'm up for a little Paradise loopy. I'd consider a post work ride. Its light until 8:30 these days. Meet at bridge at 5, get home by 7 - 7:30. Hasn't even been windy every day. Counterclockwise is a tail wind most of the way around in the PM. There's always the magic head wind in all directions through Sausalito though. but wtf who cares. It's flat with a bump. Otherwise early AM no wind weekend of July 26, 27 after the motoGP! Title: Re: Who wants to go cycling? Post by: sonofabike on July 11, 2008, 04:34:51 PM What's wrong with a little wind? Builds character, justifies increased consumption of [bacon].
I'd be down for a pedal ride the weekend of of JUL26-27. Either day. Title: Re: Who wants to go cycling? Post by: HaloDoc on July 11, 2008, 05:13:43 PM I'm just getting back on the bike, so I'm hoping some of you Cat-1/Cat-2 types would be willing to take it down a notch and help me rebuild my fitness base. I'm sick of being injured/disabled, and could really use some good, fun, motivating cycling partners. [thumbsup] Before my back injury, I was a Cat-2 roadie and cyclocrosser, and a Sr. Expert/Semi-Pro XC racer, so I'm no stranger to suffering. [evil] I'd like to find folks that are willing to push me, but not so hard I re-injure myself. For road rides, I'm good with shorter loops for now. Something around 20-30 miles, and relatively easy terrain. I can do some short steep efforts, but really can't maintain a proper climbing posture for too long. (Sorry 'Belle, no racing to the top of Diablo or Hamilton this time. [cheeky]) As for doing any mountain bike rides, well, those are going to have to wait a while longer. Easy fire roads, and very short distances...2-5 miles...is about all I can handle right now. It's easy for me to get to the Headlands from my place, but I'm not opposed to other rides either. Maybe a Paradise Loop? Some nice East bay stuff? Let me know. Thanks! ;D I don't think I ride as well as Duckwrench ;) but I'll be there ready for whatever mother nature and Charlie can throw at us. HaloDoc Title: Re: Who wants to go cycling? Post by: duckwrench13 on July 12, 2008, 01:15:25 PM Good ride Desmostro & Em! [thumbsup] That plum tree rocked!!! Too bad "Dude" didn't quite comprehend the concept of trail etiquette. >:(
Let me know if Em needs anything for the bruises and dings. Title: Re: Who wants to go cycling? Post by: Desmostro on July 12, 2008, 06:49:25 PM Good ride Desmostro & Em! [thumbsup] That plum tree rocked!!! Too bad "Dude" didn't quite comprehend the concept of trail etiquette. >:( Let me know if Em needs anything for the bruises and dings. She's fine. She was just pissed it happened. It was unreal how well she took that guy down for a beginner. Notice who landed on top. [laugh] She may need some peach cobbler to move passed it though. Let me know if you have the hook up. Thanks for the suggestion. What a perfect day otherwise. Soon ! One more loop [thumbsup] Title: Re: Who wants to go cycling? As Desmostro and I were discussing on our ride, it Post by: duckwrench13 on July 13, 2008, 02:10:11 PM Any thoughts on making this a semi-regular MOB ride? Organize a few in the beginning, then just let it become a whoever shows kind of ride.... same time & place, just show up and roll out at "X" time. The route, "Paradise Loop," is well known throughout bay area cycling circles, so maps and route directions are readily available if you need to take a look. Bonus: There's cafe's conveniently located along the way... right about the spots where you start wishing you had a coffee or a danish. [coffee] [bacon]
As Desmostro and I were discussing on our ride, it's amazing how much your moto skills can be improved from cycling, and vice-versa. [moto] If you're a tad faster, then maybe head out 10-15 minutes behind the group and play catch up. If you're a bit slower, leave earlier and let the group catch you and pull you along. Not trying to set this in stone. Just making a suggestion, so those of us that are multi-two wheel disciplined can get some good MOB saddle time all around. [thumbsup] |