Title: Josh Herrin to Moto2 Post by: gm2 on October 01, 2013, 04:04:52 PM *this link contains an AMA sbk spoiler, if you care*
http://www.motomatters.com/news/2013/10/01/moto2_moto3_silly_season_updates_herrin_.html (http://www.motomatters.com/news/2013/10/01/moto2_moto3_silly_season_updates_herrin_.html) so.. it's still possible to escape the AMA for a world-level ride. i hope Beaubier gets picked up in a year or two also. also seems like yesterday that herrin started racing in the middle of the AMA season (was it at barber?) because he had just turned 16. and he kicked ass. good for him. [thumbsup] Title: Re: Josh Herrin to Moto2 Post by: zooom on October 02, 2013, 04:03:03 AM I say good for him also...and being that he is somewhat acclimated to Dunlops, his adjustment should only be machinery wise and therefore not so bad
Title: Re: Josh Herrin to Moto2 Post by: gm2 on October 02, 2013, 08:24:21 AM ...and every track, and 50 riders that behave like eslick ;)
Title: Re: Josh Herrin to Moto2 Post by: Spidey on October 02, 2013, 08:38:12 AM I didn't watch enough AMA this year to see how much Herrin stepped up his game. I've always been skeptical of his ability to play with the big boys. He was great on a 600 in the US, but I've lost all sense of how good the US riders are compared to the world stage. Other than Hayes, who showed at Valencia that winning AMA superbike is no joke (even if the series itself is a joke). Herrin never seemed to be able to give Hayes a run for his money in a head-to-head showdown. I always though of him as the best of the rest, even if it makes me feel disloyal cuz he's a CA boy.
Either way, I wish him the best. I would have liked it if it were Beaubier rather than Herrin who took the first crack at Moto2. And I hope that if Herrin flames out that it doesn't screw things up for Beubier, who REALLY should be riding in Europe. He's been there before and should be heading back ASAP. A year on literbikes might not be a bad idea so he's used to the big boys, but the faster he can get over the better. I hate for his chance at a Moto2 bike be riding (no pun intended) on how well Herrin does. Herrin's gonna have a SERIOUS learning curve. I hope his sponsor is patient with him. He'll definitely need more than a year to get his shit together. Just look at AMA . . . |