Hi there!
Ive got a '05 S2R 800 and after my last speedday in August this happened to my Clutch:
(http://imageshack.us/scaled/modthumb/594/kylk.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/594/kylk.jpg/)
(http://imageshack.us/scaled/modthumb/10/28pc.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/10/28pc.jpg/)
(http://imageshack.us/scaled/modthumb/21/y94s.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/21/y94s.jpg/)
so im looking now for a replacement. The original part# is As far as I know the M620, 695,696, hym796 have also a ATCP clutch but the parts# is
Can you tell me the difference between those two? Its hard to get a used S2R basket as far as i looked now theres none online to buy, only new ones for like 500 $.
Thanks for your help!
Welcome to the club [evil] I've done that twice.
Yours seem a little more serious though.
That much damage might have destroyed bearings and beyond - have it checked!!!
Used clutch assemblies from those you mention plus older 800's and 750's will work, but try to buy a complete set to have gears from a pair. Just make sure it's an assembly without the dual mass primary gear and without the exploding springs in the large driven gear/clutch basket.
Thanks for your fast reply!
To be honest I was pretty happy with the clutch until it worked, the antihopping thing really worked well and the cause of my damage was a shitty gear reduction in high rpms on the track :/
So, im from europe and I found this one:
http://www.ebay.de/itm/Ducati-Monster-796-696-Kupplungspaket-Kupplung-clutch-Zahnrad-Kupplungsrad-43-64-/181034760106?pt=DE_Motorradteile&hash=item2a268337aa (http://www.ebay.de/itm/Ducati-Monster-796-696-Kupplungspaket-Kupplung-clutch-Zahnrad-Kupplungsrad-43-64-/181034760106?pt=DE_Motorradteile&hash=item2a268337aa)
Are those ATCP baskets also available without the springs?
Id say its a good price for the whole package but would it fit ? You said I would also need the primarygear from the same modell? will it affect the gearing or smth? What purpose has this sprung primary gear? what about the noise you talked about?
It's better to have the small and the large gear from the same pair, but I can't say for sure if it's required.
My loud-noise problem was with an S2R800 basket and an old style primary drive gear (they did not fit each other quite right)
I bought a used set of basket and primary from a 696 and the reason for that was to have an APTC without the springs - not in the large or the small gear. If this 796 basket is the same as the 696 - it's also without springs (double check that with the seller and/or parts catalog?)
Now thats some info I wanted to hear! Ive checked every german/polish forum to get this info, no answers...
So ducati dropped the spring basket in the newer bikes? Is there any difference while riding without the springs? what are they acutally for ?
I haven't been able to feel any difference.
They are probably there to reduce noise and/or vibration - maybe to protect the gearbox...
The sprung clutch gear reduces peak loads on the primary gears, clutch, transmission and driveline.
Also reduces driveline vibration and thus any noise from that.
The two-piece sprung gear on the crank is to reduce noise.
So ive been looking on ebay for these baskets...
I found out that the guy from the 796 basket also sells the primary gears.
http://www.ebay.de/itm/Ducati-Monster-796-696-Zahnrader-gear-Primar-Antrieb-Kubelwellenrad-43-68-/170950369274?pt=DE_Motorradteile&hash=item27cd6f9ffa (http://www.ebay.de/itm/Ducati-Monster-796-696-Zahnrader-gear-Primar-Antrieb-Kubelwellenrad-43-68-/170950369274?pt=DE_Motorradteile&hash=item27cd6f9ffa)
Do I also need the oilpump gear?
After an even more extended search ive found a cheap 620 multi basket, but now comes the question: will my old s2r preassure plate fit... ?
http://www.ebay.de/itm/120738915545?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 (http://www.ebay.de/itm/120738915545?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649)
I know i know some may say "you drive a ducati so I should be able to pay the price for the parts"... but for me the price makes a difference...
Just wonder the whole clutch assembly as well as the end gear of the 620, 696,796 are all compatible to s2r 800 without any modification. I mean just simply plug and play to fix the known clutch problem of the S2r 800. Obviously, it is caused by the damper spring.
AFAIK they're compatible, but the best solution is to get one without the APTC function. The APTC doesn't work as a 'slipper', it destroys itself and it's quite grabby. Much better and less expensive with a plain standard wet clutch - 600, 750 and maybe early 800(?)