Title: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: dan_t on November 05, 2013, 03:21:27 AM Anyone else seen the new 2014 Monster 1200S?
It's without question, the first monster since the S4RS to make me sit up and take note. What a sexy design & the 1198 testastretta motor to top it off. Whilst asked regularly when I'm going to update my bike & always responding with some witty quip to the effect of 'when something better comes out', that time may be near..... Any other thoughts or opinions out there? http://www.ducati.com.au/bikes/monster/monster_1200_s/index.do (http://www.ducati.com.au/bikes/monster/monster_1200_s/index.do) (http://i388.photobucket.com/albums/oo325/dan_thackray/M-1200S_2014_Amb-01_R_1920x1080mediagallery_output_image_1920x1080_zps50f0947d.png) (http://i388.photobucket.com/albums/oo325/dan_thackray/M-1200S_2014_Amb-03_R_1920x1080mediagallery_output_image_1920x1080_zpsfff920e3.png) (http://i388.photobucket.com/albums/oo325/dan_thackray/M-1200S_2014_Amb-02_R_1920x1080mediagallery_output_image_1920x1080_zpsa8f6b163.png) (http://i388.photobucket.com/albums/oo325/dan_thackray/M-1200S_2014_Studio_W-R_Combo02_1920x1080mediagallery_output_image_1920x1080_zps01b8b7ff.png) Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: mattyvas on November 05, 2013, 04:02:23 AM I have been trying to have a look at it but the Ducati site is sooooooo slow.
It does look pretty good but I am playing the long game and waiting until the S4Rs is a classic and starts reaching the sort of coin a GT is currently fetching. ;D [laugh] [cheeky] Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: Bazz21 on November 05, 2013, 04:07:41 PM http://www.ducati.com.au/bikes/monster/index.do (http://www.ducati.com.au/bikes/monster/index.do) [thumbsup]
Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: techno on November 05, 2013, 04:15:21 PM I'm on the fence. It has too many similarities with the Diavel from many angles. It may grow on me but I don't see me parting with my cash for one any time soon.
Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: dan_t on November 05, 2013, 08:52:25 PM I have been trying to have a look at it but the Ducati site is sooooooo slow. It does look pretty good but I am playing the long game and waiting until the S4Rs is a classic and starts reaching the sort of coin a GT is currently fetching. ;D [laugh] [cheeky] Love your optimisim Matt!! Let me know if you see any signs of that occuring....... Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: mattyvas on November 09, 2013, 02:09:56 AM Refer to this post in 30 years Dan and I'll let you know. [cheeky]
Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: Spider on November 12, 2013, 12:53:44 PM I agree with Dan, this is the first Monster since the early 2000's (the S2r/S4rs) that stirs me...
I like the fact that the headlight/tank are very iconic and the safety (ABS/riding modes) has been brought up to modern specifications. I give it 2 thumbs up - would love a ride on one! [thumbsup] Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: ungeheuer on November 14, 2013, 02:44:28 AM ^^ The Spider, he lives :o
Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: Mr.S2R on November 15, 2013, 01:11:33 AM I'm on the fence. It has too many similarities with the Diavel from many angles. It may grow on me but I don't see me parting with my cash for one any time soon. Yeah I agree - the rear wheel looks a little too far set back, like a drag bike. Upfront a bit too much technology - where is the "nakedness"? I love my S2R... [Dolph] Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: Sundog on November 15, 2013, 02:24:36 PM Not my cup o' tea that's for sure. It has too many Diavel design features. It's like a Diavel went to Jenny Craig.
Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: dan_t on November 15, 2013, 04:07:23 PM Interesting feedback. Everyone is certainly entitled to their own take on it, I guess that's why Ducati's entire range of bikes is so broad.
As for the thoughts around the similarities to the Diavel, I kind of think of it in a similar way to the design trend at Land Rover. First they bring out the Evoque, followed by the Range Rover & now the Range Rover Sport - all with family traits with very similar looking headlight design arrangements. You know they're from the same family of vehicles, but they all have a very specific individuality. If this is the direction that Ducati is taking with this bike and the Diavel, I'm ok with it. Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: ungeheuer on November 16, 2013, 12:46:14 AM Not my cup o' tea that's for sure. It has too many Diavel design features. It's like a Diavel went to Jenny Craig. ^^ This.Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: monstermick58 on November 16, 2013, 02:00:27 AM MMM...... does look busy
Give me air cooled old skool anyday And I'm with Matty, waiting till my monster surpasses its original purchase price. Mmick Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: techno on January 22, 2014, 06:51:31 PM Reviving this to see if its growing on anyone else. ;D
I would like to get a look at one in real life as I know things can look different in photos. I've only just picked up on the rear wheel being so far back. Its more prominent in some angles. Makes me think of all those stretched drag bikes with extended swing arms. Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: Mr.S2R on January 23, 2014, 03:28:47 AM meh it's a poor man's Diavel - may as well call it the 1200B - for Belmont...
Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: Betty on January 23, 2014, 10:03:39 PM meh it's a poor man's Diavel - may as well call it the 1200B - for Belmont... Don't you mean the Diavel Superlight ... apparently the Monster is about 30kg lighter ... that normally means it would be more expensive! Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: Mr.S2R on January 24, 2014, 02:28:41 PM Don't you mean the Diavel Superlight ... apparently the Monster is about 30kg lighter ... that normally means it would be more expensive! Betty, once again gold. :) They could paint it yellow and put a big number 1 on the tank with a limited edition plate... ;D I guess at the end of the day there really is nowhere Ducati can go for the Monster. They have gone through all the evolutions they possibly have without deviating far from the original concept. I still love Ducati, but in my opinion the S2R/S4R was the pinnacle of the design. If I am in a position to purchase another Ducati, it will be of that S2R/S4R vintage, or a Diavel. Be I bold as to say the chapter should be closed on the Monster? Long live the Monster! Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: loony888 on March 23, 2014, 12:35:04 AM Reviving this to see if its growing on anyone else. ;D I would like to get a look at one in real life as I know things can look different in photos. I've only just picked up on the rear wheel being so far back. Its more prominent in some angles. Makes me think of all those stretched drag bikes with extended swing arms. saw one at the QLD expo today, and in real life its quite nice, the rear wheel is bland with approval wording cast into it which looks cheap, the small headlight which i wasn't a fan of looks good, the seat looks nice, plenty of pillion room which is important to me and It's dimensions look appropriate. the lower power output compared to the diavel is due to the smaller headers, i'd put the full termi system on it, along with a fly screen and a carbon hugger to get rid of the stupid huge rear guard! Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: Scoober1103 on March 23, 2014, 03:11:07 PM Got to sit on it and have a feel. Very different to the 1100. For a 5'6 rider it is more upright with wider bars. The seat and tank shape will keep the 'boys' happy.
the lower power output compared to the diavel is due to the smaller headers, a carbon hugger to get rid of the stupid huge rear guard! Yeah not quite sure why they fitted that rear hugger, haven't seen it in any pictures! The Ducati representative didn't have a clue either. But the particular representative I was talking to was at the launch in Spain and his opinion was the lower HP was to bring up the low down torque which he claims is phenomenal right from the get go! Overall I loved it, looks great in person! Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: Betty on March 23, 2014, 04:07:44 PM Considering I haven't been able to see what you guys saw ... would I be correct in assuming it may be some sort of ADR compliance 'solution'?
Do you have any pics to share? Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: Scoober1103 on March 23, 2014, 04:16:17 PM Sorry Betty all the pics are on my brothers camera but yes it looks to be an ADR afterthought over kill not unlike this
(https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3673/13367836925_534780baea_o.jpg) (https://www.flickr.com/photos/119072382@N04/13367836925/) truck fender (https://www.flickr.com/photos/119072382@N04/13367836925/) by scoober11031 (https://www.flickr.com/people/119072382@N04/), on Flickr from swing arm pivot to behind the mud cutter! [puke] Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: Bazz21 on March 23, 2014, 08:05:29 PM http://www.zercustoms.com/news/images/Miscellaneous/th1/Ducati-Monster-1200-S-2.jpg (http://www.zercustoms.com/news/images/Miscellaneous/th1/Ducati-Monster-1200-S-2.jpg)
http://www.ducati.com.au/bikes/monster/index.do (http://www.ducati.com.au/bikes/monster/index.do) Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: Scoober1103 on March 23, 2014, 08:40:03 PM http://www.zercustoms.com/news/images/Miscellaneous/th1/Ducati-Monster-1200-S-2.jpg (http://www.zercustoms.com/news/images/Miscellaneous/th1/Ducati-Monster-1200-S-2.jpg) http://www.ducati.com.au/bikes/monster/index.do (http://www.ducati.com.au/bikes/monster/index.do) The 1200s on display at the moto expo in Brisbane had an extra guard not pictured in either of those links that looked pretty much the same as the picture I posted running from front to back over the top of the tyre. The whole top section of tyre. Easily removed and replaced with a normal size and shaped hugger though as pictured above. Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: J5 on March 23, 2014, 09:28:33 PM Got to sit on it and have a feel. Very different to the 1100. For a 5'6 rider it is more upright with wider bars. The seat and tank shape will keep the 'boys' happy. Yeah not quite sure why they fitted that rear hugger, haven't seen it in any pictures! The Ducati representative didn't have a clue either. But the particular representative I was talking to was at the launch in Spain and his opinion was the lower HP was to bring up the low down torque which he claims is phenomenal right from the get go! Overall I loved it, looks great in person! it would be to meet adrs rear wheel must be covered draw a 45 degree angle from the rear axle with 30kg on the seat to stop stones flying out i guess Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: FIFO on March 23, 2014, 10:30:53 PM Considering I haven't been able to see what you guys saw ... would I be correct in assuming it may be some sort of ADR compliance 'solution'? Do you have any pics to share? The rear hugger definantly looks like that picture of that truck guard [thumbsdown] a quick add on to meet the Australian adrs is all can say [thumbsdown] Did see the bikes on the production line last month for the US market,and one in the factory show room. I think their on a winner with this one, depending on the price 20,000 euro in Italy :P (https://scontent-a-lax.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/t31.0-8/1961862_10152046749982695_604037351_o.jpg) Ducati factory show room no crappy hugger only the stupid little mud flap thingy. the mirrors look ok and the new clear plastic reserviors arn't bad either :) (http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t70/robert3520/DSC00644_zps3c8d1049.jpg) [URL=http://s157.photobucket.com/user/robert3520/media/DSC00643_zps97c97e5f.jpg.html](http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t70/robert3520/DSC00643_zps97c97e5f.jpg) (http://s157.photobucket.com/user/robert3520/media/DSC00644_zps3c8d1049.jpg.html) (http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t70/robert3520/DSC00647_zps7759703c.jpg) (http://s157.photobucket.com/user/robert3520/media/DSC00647_zps7759703c.jpg.html) Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: Sabre Brian on March 24, 2014, 12:19:49 PM I saw it at the expo too and thought it was porn on wheels, except for that rear guard, which would be easily removable. The guard kind of felt flimsy too, but that is probably because it is an add on for ADR as said above.
Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: Two dogs on March 24, 2014, 01:03:57 PM Better get that Tri colour on bike sales Rob
That thing is made for you [thumbsup] Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: Sundog on March 24, 2014, 06:59:50 PM I see they finally got around to putting in a rear shock with a reservoir.
Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: Scoober1103 on March 24, 2014, 07:07:47 PM I see they finally got around to putting in a rear shock with a reservoir. Only on the S by the looks of it! Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: loony888 on March 25, 2014, 02:24:24 AM yeah, the rear guard looks stupid, as it's only applied to bikes with the number plate mounted to the swing arm i reckon it has more to do with pillions maybe getting a limb caught between the tyre and the number plate causing the huge cover, dunno, but it only seems to be fitted on bikes with that style of number plate holder.
The rear shock is a bit of a let down to me, the previous bikes all had a rising rate linkage, now it's just a cantilever, like the belt SS of years ago, bit disappointing, hope the ohlins does a good job.... Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: WayneR on March 25, 2014, 06:13:50 PM hope the ohlins does a good job.... For $26k ride away, it had better... I think I'd be holding out for an 821cc version. Either that, or the 899 Pani is only 21k. Seems a bit steep for a Monster to me. Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: DarkMonster620 on March 25, 2014, 06:14:49 PM For $26k ride away, it had better... http://www.bennetts.co.uk/bikesocial/news-and-views/news/2012/2014/march/ducati-821-monster-spied/#.UzIA-fldU75 (http://www.bennetts.co.uk/bikesocial/news-and-views/news/2012/2014/march/ducati-821-monster-spied/#.UzIA-fldU75)I think I'd be holding out for an 821cc version. Either that, or the 899 Pani is only 21k. Seems a bit steep for a Monster to me. Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: Scoober1103 on March 25, 2014, 10:20:35 PM http://www.bennetts.co.uk/bikesocial/news-and-views/news/2012/2014/march/ducati-821-monster-spied/#.UzIA-fldU75 (http://www.bennetts.co.uk/bikesocial/news-and-views/news/2012/2014/march/ducati-821-monster-spied/#.UzIA-fldU75) Doesn't look right from those angles.......Bulky upfront with very little rearward, could just be the photos. So will this be the end of the 796? Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: loony888 on March 26, 2014, 12:46:41 AM For $26k ride away, it had better... I think I'd be holding out for an 821cc version. Either that, or the 899 Pani is only 21k. Seems a bit steep for a Monster to me. yeah, nah, wouldn't hold out for a smaller one, and i have a sports bike, the pani isn't my cup of tea anyway, but 26,300 ride away is pricey for a monster Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: Sundog on March 26, 2014, 07:00:15 PM No more SSSA either :P
Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: loony888 on March 27, 2014, 12:48:54 AM No more SSSA either :P ummm......... SSSA = Single Sided SwingArm? if so, look closer should have gone to specsavers......... [beer] Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: Bazz21 on March 27, 2014, 02:02:55 AM yeah, nah, wouldn't hold out for a smaller one, and i have a sports bike, the pani isn't my cup of tea anyway, but 26,300 ride away is pricey for a monster Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: Sundog on March 27, 2014, 03:14:08 AM ummm......... SSSA = Single Sided SwingArm? if so, look closer should have gone to specsavers......... [beer] From the article "The new 821 has many similarities between it and its 1200cc older brother with an identical frame, chassis, tank, seat and twin exhausts. However, we can see from the images that an all-new double-sided swing arm and tail tidy mark the significant differences." My comment was about the new 821, not the 1200. Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: loony888 on March 27, 2014, 03:34:21 AM ohhh, the baby panigale! yeah, looks cheap with the std type swingarm, but i'm not a fan of the 1199 either
Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: Betty on March 27, 2014, 04:03:38 AM ohhh, the baby panigale! yeah, looks cheap with the std type swingarm, but i'm not a fan of the 1199 either Sundog & the article to which he refers are talking about the 821 ... baby, liquid cooled Monster. Spy pics showing a nearly complete, ready to release bike. Interesting ... that swingarm is rather ... umm, substantial looking. My take on it (similar to the baby Pani) is that the baby version is more than capable for most peoples. But they have purposely compromised the design aesthetic to encourage the typical Wankeristi snob to stump-up the cash for the big boys toy. The only thing stopping me from saying this may be a successful strategy is how the last 'S' version proved far too expensive. Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: Two dogs on March 27, 2014, 01:07:47 PM New Monster naked group test
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YUt4ur4ixc&list=UUB_cdRhIDhlavY2I5URSC7g not on my next bike list ! The supposed not as good as the xpensive 1199 baby Pani group test https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQza_TWj8JM&list=PLzNfXgKU0drnNVCaE5PNqjKaOFPIyi0BW On my next bike list...........at the top next to the Aprillia RSV4 Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: Betty on March 27, 2014, 02:24:54 PM New Monster naked group test https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YUt4ur4ixc&list=UUB_cdRhIDhlavY2I5URSC7g not on my next bike list ! As always it depends on what you are after ... and that was not really much of a comparison to be fair. They admit that the Monster doesn't really fit that category and that some of the bikes can't even be considered naked. They didn't even use the 'S' which has more power and better suspension. From what I saw and heard the Monster would be the winner for me, but for real world riding ... they would all be 'too much' I reckon. Title: Re: Monster 1200S hmmmmmmmm..... Post by: loony888 on March 28, 2014, 12:22:24 AM too much is never enough!
the power is addictive and once you've stepped up it's hard to go back, at least for me it is, i don't see the point in spending more cash for less power in a newer bike. sure there's guys that say "you can only go 100 you know" and that we can't ride what we have well enough to justify the cost. yeah yeah, if we're talking about upgrading the minivan justification might come into it but come on! these are toys, and i like my toys faster and flashier than what i had before, so no baby pain for me, no mini monster either, it's the big one or i'll stick with what i've got. which is in fact what i'm doing, my diavel is faster, and looks heaps better, even if some insist on calling it a "cruiser", it scares plenty of sports bikes (eh mick?) and my 1098R is still the top dog super bike as far as i'm concerned. except for the superleggera, which i can't afford anyway...... |