Title: Rizoma Reservoir - Brake Fluid appearing on Outside? Post by: junior varsity on July 08, 2008, 05:49:52 AM After riding that uses lots of clutch or brake lever squeezing, I will notice that a few drops of brake fluid appear on the OUTSIDE of my Rizoma Reservoirs.
When looking at the clutch reservoir, the drops will appear on the side that would correlate with 3 o'clock. The brake reservoir has corresponding drops appearing on the 9 o'clock side. The tops are screwed on very much all the way, I can't figure out where it is coming from, why it is coming from there or what. its not leaking from the window, both 'windows' are pointing at me - 6 o'clock. These units are identical, and I can only surmise that some wind is making the drops appear on interior sides. Who's got ideas? Title: Re: Rizoma Reservoir - Brake Fluid appearing on Outside? Post by: junior varsity on July 08, 2008, 06:17:48 AM I should provide pictures.
Here: (https://lh5.ggpht.com/99Monster900/SGqm5JpK1PI/AAAAAAAABck/EaHGya5HydU/s800/IMG_1089.jpg) Use your imagination to see where the drops would appear, I'll get pictures of those next time. It does not leak onto anything while sitting at rest in the garage OR if I'm not a repeated intense lever squeezer. Thoughts? Title: Re: Rizoma Reservoir - Brake Fluid appearing on Outside? Post by: DucHead on July 08, 2008, 08:25:30 AM I have the older Rizoma reservoirs, and I get seepage too. No problem, just wipe it off and keep riding. :)
Title: Re: Rizoma Reservoir - Brake Fluid appearing on Outside? Post by: junior varsity on July 08, 2008, 08:26:48 AM Ok, good deal. That's been my plan up till now, and I check the level and it actually seems relatively unchanged.
Title: Re: Rizoma Reservoir - Brake Fluid appearing on Outside? Post by: Splinter Cell on July 08, 2008, 02:25:18 PM Make sure you do not get any brake fluid on your paint or it will damage your paint, I am sure you all know that [bang]
Title: Re: Rizoma Reservoir - Brake Fluid appearing on Outside? Post by: Beattie_Yoo on July 08, 2008, 02:29:21 PM brake fluid heats up and expands, especially if your riding pretty hard. most people put a wrist (sweat) band around the resv for this reason. not a big deal at all, just keep an eye on it so not to damage any paint, though most brake fluids these days wont kill paint right away.
Title: Re: Rizoma Reservoir - Brake Fluid appearing on Outside? Post by: herm on July 08, 2008, 04:47:35 PM could they be over filled?
i was having a similar problem, and reduced the amount of fluid in the reservoirs by a small amount. problem solved. Title: Re: Rizoma Reservoir - Brake Fluid appearing on Outside? Post by: junior varsity on July 08, 2008, 06:38:23 PM I checked and they appear about halfway between the min and max - using the 'window' as a guide. I keep checking and the level doesn't appear to go down, which I find kind of humorous - its magic fluid.
Title: Re: Rizoma Reservoir - Brake Fluid appearing on Outside? Post by: Monstermash on July 08, 2008, 07:02:01 PM could they be over filled? i was having a similar problem, and reduced the amount of fluid in the reservoirs by a small amount. problem solved. +1 on this. I had the same problem and reducing the amount of fluid fixed the problem. [thumbsup] Title: Re: Rizoma Reservoir - Brake Fluid appearing on Outside? Post by: tangueroHondo on July 08, 2008, 10:51:06 PM I should provide pictures. Here: (https://lh5.ggpht.com/99Monster900/SGqm5JpK1PI/AAAAAAAABck/EaHGya5HydU/s800/IMG_1089.jpg) Use your imagination to see where the drops would appear, I'll get pictures of those next time. It does not leak onto anything while sitting at rest in the garage OR if I'm not a repeated intense lever squeezer. Thoughts? Beauty set-up. Title: Re: Rizoma Reservoir - Brake Fluid appearing on Outside? Post by: junior varsity on July 09, 2008, 06:25:27 AM Thanks!
Fork work is next. So far she's a looker, but the ride is not far from stock. Braking is improved, never thought a new master cylinder would make much of a difference. I was wrong. |