Title: Diavel Master cylinder swap, completed with pictures Post by: caperix on December 05, 2013, 12:52:01 PM I am thinking about putting radial master cylinders on my Monster. I want to keep the mirror mounts, and would like integrated resevours like the 999 style. The 2 best options I can find are the MV brutale that uses a nissin master or the diavel master cylinder. The diavel masters are for ABS does any one know if they changed the master diameter for abs? Are there any known issues when installing a radial master onto a monster, I am guessing a line from a S4RS would be the propper length with the correct fittings.
Title: Re: Diavel Master cylinder swap Post by: caperix on September 19, 2016, 10:29:04 AM Time to update this thread, I installed Diavel Master cylinder & mirrors onto my '04 Monster. I was able to reuse my stock lines, they did require flipping the fitting at the master. My install was on Woodcraft 3" rise clipons so factory bars may be different. You will need to swap out the swiches to some with the bullet connectors. Here are the pics
(http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k126/bmeath/100_0032_zpsru8bawpb.jpg) (http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k126/bmeath/100_0033_zpsmidmtcq3.jpg) (http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k126/bmeath/100_0034_zpsv1dnvbtw.jpg) |