Title: Winter Storage: Monster 696 Post by: majello on December 14, 2013, 08:27:10 AM Hello Ducatisti,
I wonder if you could give me some simple advice on how to best store my beloved Ducati 696 for 3 months. I don't think I'm going to unmount the battery (below the tank) or remove the tank, but beside that I can do some simple things. Should I have a filled tank ? Should I add fuel stabilizer ? Should I use the killer switch ? Suggestions are very welcome!! cheers Marco Title: Re: Winter Storage: Monster 696 Post by: red baron on December 14, 2013, 10:06:33 AM Fuel stab, yup. I'd fill the tank.
I'd also remove the battery and put it on a maintenance charger. Or you could just ship it to me for safe keeping from the cold. ;D |