Title: A follow-on Mod after installing clip-ons???? Post by: tommys67 on July 08, 2008, 03:26:20 PM So I'm probably going to install clip-ons on my 695 in the next few weeks. I really don't want to replace the triple (I have much better uses for $$ than a pretty triple ;D).
I am toying with the following idea... Keep the triple and the risers intact. Take the old handlebar and cut off everything to the left and right of the riser clamps, and effectively leaving a "connecting bar" between the risers. I'm thinking this may be an IDEAL mounting location for a GPS and a radar detector. Am I thinking clearly, or is this a "whiskey tango" solution / mod??? Title: Re: A follow-on Mod after installing clip-ons???? Post by: Slide Panda on July 08, 2008, 03:36:00 PM people have done a few things. The GPS mount idea is a good one. Others have taken off the triple and ground it smooth, and painted it.
Title: Re: A follow-on Mod after installing clip-ons???? Post by: vwboomer on July 08, 2008, 05:31:29 PM I thought about doing this with my GPS. But you know what, just put the RAM mount on the clipons and you're golden. I'm glad I didn't waste the money on the steering head mount.
Title: Re: A follow-on Mod after installing clip-ons???? Post by: Howie on July 08, 2008, 06:21:18 PM You could keep the handlebars intact and get a piece of nice looking pipe instead. IndustrailGrrrl has a set up like that on her bike.
Title: Re: A follow-on Mod after installing clip-ons???? Post by: c_rex on July 08, 2008, 06:26:04 PM keep the bars and the clip ons. put an auto-pilot throttle on the clip ons and you've now got at least two sets of hand positions! [moto]
Title: Re: A follow-on Mod after installing clip-ons???? Post by: A.duc.H.duc. on July 08, 2008, 06:45:14 PM keep the bars and the clip ons. put an auto-pilot throttle on the clip ons and you've now got at least two sets of hand positions! [moto] lol Title: Re: A follow-on Mod after installing clip-ons???? Post by: spinned on July 08, 2008, 09:06:07 PM I just put a speedymoto riser cap on mine. After this picture was taken, I took off the triple and painted it black.
(http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3223/2535843182_81578bdfb0.jpg?v=0) Title: Re: A follow-on Mod after installing clip-ons???? Post by: vwboomer on July 09, 2008, 11:25:11 AM I guess I shoulda asked if you wanted to mount the GPS there because it covers up the holes, or because you don't think you can get the mount on the clipons.
Personally, having the holes there doesn't bother me. Title: Re: A follow-on Mod after installing clip-ons???? Post by: c_rex on July 09, 2008, 07:27:32 PM ... Personally, having the holes there doesn't bother me. I've seen this on others' bikes and I have to agree. You don't even really notice them. fwiw- you could always just go to the hardware store and get a set of screw hole covers and it would look like it came that way from the factory. Title: Re: A follow-on Mod after installing clip-ons???? Post by: tommys67 on July 10, 2008, 06:11:34 AM Great thoughts everyone, but just to clarify...my thoughts really were for a GPS mount. I don't mind the stock holes, and I was trying to do the whole 2 birds, one stone thing. I will wait until I install the clip-ons before I venture down this path! [thumbsup] Thanks!
Title: Re: A follow-on Mod after installing clip-ons???? Post by: Beattie_Yoo on July 10, 2008, 06:44:26 AM the stock triple allows you to install a top mount damper, if that is in the budget.
Title: Re: A follow-on Mod after installing clip-ons???? Post by: El Matador on July 10, 2008, 07:12:56 AM I've been toying with the idea of fabbing up a mount for that as well.. I'll look into it...
Title: Re: A follow-on Mod after installing clip-ons???? Post by: Crazy Canadian on July 10, 2008, 09:18:33 AM Don't mean to hi-jack this thread, but I was thinking about putting Rizoma clip-ops and top triple kit onto my S2R800 but I am wondering if I will lose the mounting ability for my Arrow Steering Damper (which is a definite must have for me). Also, does this create clearance issues on the tank for my Rizoma Retros which are mounted under the bar at present?
Title: Re: A follow-on Mod after installing clip-ons???? Post by: tommys67 on July 10, 2008, 09:42:21 AM the stock triple allows you to install a top mount damper, if that is in the budget. While I'd love a Matris damper, I'd rather save the $500 - 600 towards a new bike [thumbsup] Title: Re: A follow-on Mod after installing clip-ons???? Post by: tommys67 on July 10, 2008, 10:05:27 AM Don't mean to hi-jack this thread, but I was thinking about putting Rizoma clip-ops and top triple kit onto my S2R800 but I am wondering if I will lose the mounting ability for my Arrow Steering Damper (which is a definite must have for me). Also, does this create clearance issues on the tank for my Rizoma Retros which are mounted under the bar at present? I think you may have clearance issues with the mirrors, and I'm sure someone else will know about the damper mounting. BTW - I find your avatar quite nice [thumbsup], but I have a hunch you're gonna get some complaints about it. Just sayin'. Not too much tolerance for nudity around here... Sorry. :-X |