Title: ATTN ALL NOR-CAL MOTORCYCLISTS - ACTION CALL Post by: Skybarney on January 06, 2014, 06:27:27 PM Hi Everyone! Just tonight it came to my attention that there is a new bill proposed that few of us will like. Apparently California has a bill on the table that proposes that ALL motorcyclists must wear a neon green vest at all times when on the bike.
Personally, this pisses me off. It is damn hot here in The Valley during the summer and a vest will do nothing other than block the airflow to my perforated jacket. I am of the camp that we could ride a giant blinking red light and still be invisible to cagers. In a show of numbers there is a large ride-in planned at the State Capitol on January 11th. I am also not a fan of the helmet laws (have always worn one regardless) as I dislike having my safety regulated by Government. I would dislike riding a neon green vinyl vest even more! My friends and I will be attending. As further inducement I will buy any member of this board that attends a beer. Just let me know you are coming and we will section off a Duc pond. Title: Re: ATTN ALL NOR-CAL MOTORCYCLISTS - ACTION CALL Post by: ducpainter on January 06, 2014, 06:36:13 PM You've made your announcement.
We don't do politics here. I'm going to leave this up because of the informational aspect, but I'm locking it. I really don't give a rats ass about your thoughts on government. ;) |