Title: Bike garages Post by: 1.21GW on January 16, 2014, 01:30:16 PM I'm looking for alternate recommendations for garaging my bike in the city come riding season. I've done Rider's Alley ([thumbsdown]) and Rising Wolf ([thumbsup]), but am not sure the $200/mo at each is worth the layers of security and tiny bit of space for your gear. I'm wondering if anyone uses/knows of a parking garage or something that is cheaper but does the job of housing/protecting your bike well enough.
Title: Re: Bike garages Post by: ducatiz on January 16, 2014, 01:37:42 PM See if Area 61 is still running...
Title: Re: Bike garages Post by: 1.21GW on January 16, 2014, 02:13:29 PM Googled and nothing. Maybe out of business?.
I kinda have a hunch that this is a lost cause on my part, because nothing in this city is inexpensive. But doesn't hurt to ask. Title: Re: Bike garages Post by: memper on January 22, 2014, 05:05:29 PM http://vaxmoto.com (http://vaxmoto.com)
Title: Re: Bike garages Post by: patricks2r on February 22, 2014, 04:35:07 PM I have a garage in Park Slope with an opening to share... it's cheap. PM if interested.
Title: Re: Bike garages Post by: 1.21GW on February 22, 2014, 09:33:06 PM I have a garage in Park Slope with an opening to share... it's cheap. PM if interested. Thanks, patricks2r, but it's a little far for me. I ended up reaching out to Rising Wolf again and hopefully will get something when spring comes. Sadly, there really are no cheaper alternatives in Manhattan.Title: Re: Bike garages Post by: cokey on February 22, 2014, 10:18:33 PM need a first floor apartment..
Title: Re: Bike garages Post by: 1.21GW on May 19, 2014, 12:36:17 PM Ok, so I am moving to BK next month. Specifically, BK Heights. Rising Wolf (where my bike is stored) is no longer convenient. I am thinking of just street parking it. I have full insurance coverage and my apartment is on a quiet street where it looks like there is plenty of parking (for bikes; cars not so much).
Anyone park on the street and have words of wisdom? Anyone strongly discourage this? Title: Re: Bike garages Post by: Radracer6 on May 19, 2014, 07:38:18 PM There's a bunch of garages in bk. I parked my 01 monster on the street in manhattan all last summer. Best thing is get a lock and a cover, alternate side is a pita and drivers do knock you over. I've never come back to the bike being on the ground but I did come back twice with the cover slightly off and the mirror bent (looking like someone knocked it over and picked it back up.
Title: Re: Bike garages Post by: 1.21GW on May 29, 2014, 08:16:16 AM There's a bunch of garages in bk. I parked my 01 monster on the street in manhattan all last summer. Best thing is get a lock and a cover, alternate side is a pita and drivers do knock you over. I've never come back to the bike being on the ground but I did come back twice with the cover slightly off and the mirror bent (looking like someone knocked it over and picked it back up. Yeah, pretty much what I am expecting. I am okay with this. Until I'm not. My (new) street is pretty quiet, so hopefully that will limit the amount of "interactions". I have a brake rotor lock and a cover. My real concern is moving the damn thing every week for street sweeping. Parking on sidewalk doesn't appear to be an option. Title: Re: Bike garages Post by: Radracer6 on May 29, 2014, 11:30:44 AM I'm currently parking my Evo at a car parking garage. It's 200 all in with tax (whopping 18.75% nyc parking tax) and I believe 15 bucks off (~8.75%off) if you're a nyc resident and get a tax exemption form.
It's more convenient than the moto garages which are far from my apt. I basically walked in to every car park within a 5 block radius and asked. Some were real A$$holes. You'll find that above 39th street the price goes to 211 plus tax on top, so ~230, same if you go Westside. You don't get a designated spot but sort of park where there's a nook. I'm satisfied with the parking so far. Many streets in Manhattan have cleaning daily so you have to move it up to 4 times a week. Was ok doing it with my old bike but with the new one I'd be too stressed. I also got the Scorpio Ride (GPS tracking and Theft system on there, every lil bit helps) But yea just realized you'll be in BK. Checkout BKMOTO and VAX if you decide to garage it |