Title: The 2014 1200 Monster will be in Roseville 1-22 Post by: Skybarney on January 21, 2014, 03:29:45 PM So It looks like A&S is having a showing in Roseville as well. Time is scheduled for 6pm tomorrow night. Even though I have no interest in an upgrade this year I still have to go check it out. Anyone else riding out?
Title: Re: The 2014 1200 Monster will be in Roseville 1-22 Post by: Canga on January 23, 2014, 02:20:21 PM I showed up there around 3:30pm yesterday before the festivities had started and hung around an hour. What did you think about the bike?
Title: Re: The 2014 1200 Monster will be in Roseville 1-22 Post by: Skybarney on January 23, 2014, 04:05:55 PM I think it is a perfect "one bike does it all bike". Now having not ridden it yet that may be a bit premature. However the longer wheelbase and adjustable seat seem to back up my thoughts on it.
Were I able to only have one motorcycle but wanted to ride two up, tour and maybe do a track day it would be a good candidate. Nothing but nothing can get me over the left side of the bike. The rep said hard bags were going to be an option. I did like the way it looked and felt when sitting on it though. I would still buy a Multistrada before the new Monster though. |