No matter what I try, I cant log on to make purchases. The pin recovery system isn't working for me either. Not sure if Jeff got my emails.
Thanks DDG for your help, If Jeff can't fix this, it will be phone orders on Skype.
Is there anything you guys can do to help me log on? The system won't let me set up another account or use retrieved passwords. Being in Australia, phone orders are difficult. My wife catching me Skyping Tami in the middle of night will look incriminating [laugh].
Want me to call that pigmake the beast with two backser Higgy for you? [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] [laugh]
Give that good ol' boy a call.!
Squeal like a hog boy! Piggy piggy! (banjos in backround).
Thanks Nate. ;D
Thanks for fixing it all Jeff.
Greatly appreciated.
I can log in but I can only access my wishlist by adding stuff to the wish list...
Any guesses as to how to get to the wish list? (