Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => General Monster Forum => Topic started by: freeclimbmtb on April 08, 2014, 06:23:31 AM

Title: Thinking of selling the old KZ..
Post by: freeclimbmtb on April 08, 2014, 06:23:31 AM
It's actually a combination of 2 bikes.  A 1975 Kawasaki KZ400S, and a 1976 Kawasaki KZ400D3 (I think..)  

Got my licence on her when I turned 18 (sorry can't find an original picture.) Then after I graduated college I did a full tear down and budget (rattle can) rebuild. (this was before I started work...so I had about $85 to work with..)

Shes got the 2into1 exhaust off the S model, the twin gages from the D, reapholsterd seat, a lot of the chrome has been blacked out, the indicators sucked in tighter to the bike, I ditched the front drum from the S model and used the disk from the D. (though it could use a new hose)  I replaced the clutch disks, toredown and scrubbed the rotor/stator to get the charging system up and working well, and also replaced the points/condenser and installed new carb kits.  Then I painted or polished anything/everything I could. The tank is from the S model, and was originally red with black and gold accents...that had long since faded.  I stripped it down to bare metal, filled a time sized dent, and primed/spreyed it gloss black and clear along with everything else.  The chain and sprockets were replaced just prior to me buying the S model so I kept those.  

Some mid-rebuild pictures.




Post rebuild pictures when I dragged her out to my appartment in Portsmouth.


And here she is tucked in the back corner of the garage where she hasn't moved since I bought my first Monster in 2010.

The fact of the matter is I haven't ridden her in 3 years, and honestly don't expect that I ever will again.  :'(  I have toyed with the idea of selling her over the last few years, but now that I REALLY need the space, I think this will be the year.  First things first, I need to pull apart and scrub the carbs, and put new points/condenser in (the last set was actually not the correct part...more of a generic). And I need to replace the throttle side clamshell controls because the kill switch plastic bits are long gone (i have a toggle wiretied onto the handlebars...oddly it's always passed inspection!)  I have everything from the other parts bike as well. Though its all been outside and isn't in real good shape.  The other tank is in OK shape...aside from some rust and a through and through from a .22 when someone did a driveby on it prior to me buying it. (roadside sale) Though the other motor is actually the original and was in the frame when I rode the S model bike home...so I know it will run with a little effort (and another set of carbs).  

So my question to all of you, is after a little work on my part and shes running, how do you think I should go about selling her?  eBay for pickup only? Craigslist? A forum tailored toward KZ enthusiests? And also, I don't even know what a fair asking price would be.  She's got sentimental value...but you can't sell sentiment, I know that full well.  So a good condition, running, mostly complete, old motorcycle with a cult following and a parts bike to go with it...

Advice appriciated!
Title: Re: Thinking of selling the old KZ..
Post by: Duck-Stew on April 08, 2014, 07:00:39 AM
(not the advice you're after, but here's mine:)

Don't sell it.  Flip the Monster and the KZ's position in the garage and START WORKING ON IT.  YESTERDAY.

After the initial few hours, you'll be glad you did.

(However, if'n you ABSOLUTELY MUST SELL THE BIKE (and you don't), then I suggest a forum tailored to the older KZ crowd.  You'll find more genuine people interested in bikes just like yours.  And they'll have $.  And they'll understand all the love you put into it...)
Title: Re: Thinking of selling the old KZ..
Post by: freeclimbmtb on April 08, 2014, 09:28:36 AM
Quote from: Duck-Stew on April 08, 2014, 07:00:39 AM
(not the advice you're after, but here's mine:)

Don't sell it.  Flip the Monster and the KZ's position in the garage and START WORKING ON IT.  YESTERDAY.

After the initial few hours, you'll be glad you did.

I can certainly appricate your point of view, as I have my first car still too.  It's a 1979 Jeep CJ-7 that I have HUNDREDS of hours into, and I will NEVER sell, I know too many people that regret not keeping their first car, and the jeeps are getting rarer and rarer.  (I just realized you can see it in the last picture.)

The bike however, would mean a lot more to (like you said) someone older that had one new back in the day etc etc.  I have a much stronger attachment to my current monster (not that red 696, but my black 796) than I ever had to the KZ.  It was fun, but I don't particularly like riding it, I hate dealing with the ethanol gas and the carburators on it, it doesnt handle well, travel well, or have the reliability the new one does, and it has a higher seat height than the monster. (more of an issue when you have a 30" inseam like me)

So as much as I MIGHT look back in 40 years and wish I had it, its the Monster that I would really miss if I were to get rid of a bike.  And like I said, I really need the space more than I need the bike.  (and I could use a few bucks to go toward replacing that back wall of the garage that has about 6 inches of inward lean at the middle)
Title: Re: Thinking of selling the old KZ..
Post by: koko64 on April 08, 2014, 11:38:45 AM
I would lurk on a KZ forum to gauge prices and get to work on prepping it for sale.
Sell it and put the money into your Monster. You don't sound like you'll regret it (for now).
Title: Re: Thinking of selling the old KZ..
Post by: freeclimbmtb on April 09, 2014, 05:00:43 AM
Quote from: koko64 on April 08, 2014, 11:38:45 AM
I would lurk on a KZ forum to gauge prices and get to work on prepping it for sale.
Sell it and put the money into your Monster. You don't sound like you'll regret it (for now).

I'm not sure how much more I can pour into my monster haha.  DU-737 maybe. 
Title: Re: Thinking of selling the old KZ..
Post by: brad black on April 09, 2014, 05:42:20 AM
use the phrase "cafe racer" several times in the ad.  that'll make it worth a shit load more.  the kz range seems pretty popular over at dotheton.
Title: Re: Thinking of selling the old KZ..
Post by: Curmudgeon on April 09, 2014, 03:44:55 PM
Spotted at a local vintage bike show near Richmond, VA last summer. Looked virtually new!

Title: Re: Thinking of selling the old KZ..
Post by: Scoober1103 on April 09, 2014, 05:48:07 PM
I had a beautiful 1977 Z1000 A that I regret selling bout 20yrs ago. I put a lot of effort and money into restoring that bike but sold it to buy my first house. Wasn't my first bike but has a sweet spot in my heart. I would keep yours as one day you will want a project and this will sitting there (or somewhere...they don't take up much room) waiting...patiently!  [thumbsup]