Title: Northern Jersey twisties 7/12 Post by: Mugen939 on July 10, 2008, 03:42:54 AM Hey guy,
pretty new to these forums. Just got my 696 recently and I'm enjoying it. Anyway I have a ride set up with some friends and I figured I'd post it up here as well. Meet: rt 23 wayne hooters Time: 9:00 stand up at 9:30 Pace: fast/fun....nothing hooligan [evil] Route: Gonna be heading through west milford, greenwood lake, harriman, warwick, vernon, sussex. Gonna see the best roads jersey has to offer in my opinion. Great scenery and very twisty, anyone interested? Title: Re: Northern Jersey twisties 7/12 Post by: Pakhan on July 10, 2008, 04:34:25 AM welcome to the board. sounds like you have a good trip set up. Have fun.
Title: Re: Northern Jersey twisties 7/12 Post by: FLSTFI_E46 on July 10, 2008, 05:30:48 AM Welcome. Yeah, those roads are fun [thumbsup] since I ride through there and the area is in my neck of the woods.
I have a road trip this weekend and will be hitting the twisties [moto] way up north instead so I'll hopefully catch a ride with you guys next time. Enjoy it and the weather forecast seems great for it. Title: Re: Northern Jersey twisties 7/12 Post by: GLantern on July 10, 2008, 07:28:30 AM Have fun and welcome! Saturday is my beach day but i'll have to catch one eventually!
Title: Re: Northern Jersey twisties 7/12 Post by: opinion914 on July 10, 2008, 09:36:56 AM Damn it, love to but will be out of town. :'( on the 749 [moto]
Title: Re: Northern Jersey twisties 7/12 Post by: Binary on July 10, 2008, 11:04:35 AM Welcome and congrats on the 696.
I'm working but will keep an eye out for the next ride. Title: Re: Northern Jersey twisties 7/12 Post by: Pakhan on July 10, 2008, 11:06:03 AM Damn it, love to but will be out of town. :'( on the 749 [moto] NICE! So the bike is in good shape finally? Title: Re: Northern Jersey twisties 7/12 Post by: CDawg on July 10, 2008, 01:01:26 PM Welcome! I would love to join you and learn some good NJ roads. But unfortunately I have a contractor coming on Saturday and cannot go riding. Maybe we can trade tips? I know NY so-so well.
Title: Re: Northern Jersey twisties 7/12 Post by: Airborne on July 10, 2008, 01:16:21 PM I think I might come, I'll give you a definite answer by tomorrow afternoon. I have some plans with some lady friends the night before so hey, can you blame me?
I'm still waiting on some more gear I ordered to come in too, so if not this time, then next time. Looking forward to it. -Sean Title: Re: Northern Jersey twisties 7/12 Post by: opinion914 on July 11, 2008, 03:16:32 AM NICE! So the bike is in good shape finally? [thumbsup]This thing is all business now. 6 months and 3 trips to Trebours and nuttin.... 30 minutes in ECS and it's golden! |