Title: Ducati riders in London, UK Post by: Gossamer_in_FLL on May 30, 2014, 05:42:17 AM So, I'm going to London for the first time this coming week and I'm looking for any Duc riders that can give me some tips or maybe point me in the direction of a good bike rental place so I can ride around the day I'll have free from work.
Any takers?? Any non-London based board members that have any tips as well?? I'll be landing in Heathrow and making stops at Ace Cafe and the vintage bike museum for bike-related visits. I'll be taking a bus tour of the city to get to see the sights, but I'm going to have some free time to fill in and if possible, I'd like to do it on a motorbike. Title: Re: Ducati riders in London, UK Post by: ducpainter on May 30, 2014, 06:10:35 AM PM geoffduc
Title: Re: Ducati riders in London, UK Post by: cyberswine on June 03, 2014, 11:34:37 AM I would be scared to ride a bike on the wrong side of the road. Last time I was there I made a couple of minor errors driving a car. Take care with that one!
Title: Re: Ducati riders in London, UK Post by: geoffduc on June 04, 2014, 11:42:55 AM If you go to the UKMOC web site you'll see that there's a monthly meeting of the London monster owners on saturday 7th at Fat Boys Dinner in Londons Docklands, get yourself down there and enjoy some good limey humour... ;) ;)
Geoff... [coffee] Title: Re: Ducati riders in London, UK Post by: Gossamer_in_FLL on June 10, 2014, 05:15:50 AM Thanks guys...unfortunately, the day that I had off to go see the city, it was POURING rain, so no bike-related activities for me. The city was something else though...awesome place to visit. And you're right Cyber...it was definitely good that I didn't ride while I was there. I kept looking the wrong way every time I needed to cross the street. I can just imagine one of those double decker buses taking me out for not looking the right way [thumbsdown]
Conclusion: I need to go back |