Title: Mivv Exhausts for 696 Post by: Sac Monster on July 10, 2008, 01:50:12 PM What do you guys think about these systems from Mivv. We have brought some Mivv exhausts in before and they make a nice system. Maybe we can do a special DMF group buy if there is enough interest. I haven't seen pricing on them yet.
(http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e344/Motowheelscom/Monster%20parts/Monster_696_suono_a.jpg) (http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e344/Motowheelscom/Monster%20parts/Monster_696_gp_a.jpg) Title: Re: Mivv Exhausts for 696 Post by: BomberHead on July 11, 2008, 12:20:02 PM im interested. need more info.
Title: Re: Mivv Exhausts for 696 Post by: Slide Panda on July 11, 2008, 12:27:02 PM Ahh finally someone made something that doesn't taper.
Though I'm not in the *new* style monster market - I think you'll get some interest. The top ones reflect the style of new newer monster w/o the bulk of the stockers or the currently termies Title: Re: Mivv Exhausts for 696 Post by: Sac Monster on July 11, 2008, 01:51:05 PM I like the top one better as well. I am waiting to hear back on pricing from Mivv.
Title: Re: Mivv Exhausts for 696 Post by: jsluvb on July 11, 2008, 03:03:30 PM Good find! [thumbsup]
I like the top ones better. So will stock ECU ok with these? ??? If so, I might sell my Termis carbon and get those... Title: Re: Mivv Exhausts for 696 Post by: BomberHead on July 11, 2008, 04:49:21 PM im think im in love. the top ones have my heart. lets see some #'s or sound clips.
Title: Re: Mivv Exhausts for 696 Post by: lazarus7 on July 11, 2008, 06:25:19 PM agreed, the top ones would definitely be the ones to stock....
;) Title: Re: Mivv Exhausts for 696 Post by: russelson on August 05, 2008, 03:34:45 PM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xe5tO_2AZAM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xe5tO_2AZAM)
Ooooohhh... I like. :o Anyone have an idea when these will be available? Title: Re: Mivv Exhausts for 696 Post by: Slide Panda on August 05, 2008, 06:51:31 PM Not Mivv but motowheels is already stocking a similar offering from Quat-D
http://www.motowheels.com/italian/mySearchResult.cfm?parentcategoryid=&productID=6411&showDetail=1&categoryID=671|Monster%20Exhaust&vendoridtodisplay=0&filterFor=696&collection= Title: Re: Mivv Exhausts for 696 Post by: Sac Monster on August 06, 2008, 07:23:13 AM I am looking into the 696 systems this week however it is August so we may not hear anything for a couple weeks. We didn't get too much response on these but it does seem like the short can was liked best so we will likely just bring some of those in. As soon as I can get an ETA from these guys I will post it.
Title: Re: Mivv Exhausts for 696 Post by: Raux on August 14, 2008, 04:01:19 PM i want to know more....
1) does it use the stock ECU and intake filter? 2) what changes need to be done? 3) is it completely plug and play, ie no shop work. 4) can i go back to stock if i want? and 5) HOW MUCH for the SUONOs? Title: Re: Mivv Exhausts for 696 Post by: GovernmentIssue on September 29, 2008, 04:54:04 PM I got this email after an inquiry I know that you cant buy direct from MiVV and this place in texas was the closest dealer to me. This message was sent to me just a couple of days ago. 9/26/08
Hello, Thank you for the email. We do not yet have the Suono exhaust in stock. We expect to have them in about 2-3 weeks. We will be putting these up on our website in the next day or two if you would like to go ahead and place an order and be first in line to get it once they arrive. The price will be $1,199.00 and we can offer you free shipping within the US. We look forward to your patronage. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance. Best Regards, Jason Herod jason@motovationusa.com Thank-you for supporting Motovation products! Ph: 512-697-9672 Fax: 512-828-6378 Title: Re: Mivv Exhausts for 696 Post by: Raux on September 29, 2008, 05:11:13 PM WOAHHHH 1190... that's 400 more than the leo vince pipes
by the way, put this info in the 'semi-official 696 exhaust thread" so we can keep it together. Title: Re: Mivv Exhausts for 696 Post by: MadDaddy on January 03, 2009, 03:40:55 PM Call me crazy, but I like the GP cans way better than the tubby looking Suono's. I'm torn between the MiVV GP's or the QD's of the similar look.
Title: Re: Mivv Exhausts for 696 Post by: shank80 on January 05, 2009, 08:49:24 AM WEll, Mivv has been on my list for quite some time now. Recently read in EICMA news about their Full CArbon Exhaust. Would love to see them come up with the 696 model. IMO looks better than any other CF design avail. what say?? any more info on the performance is appreciated.
Here is a link to the pic. http://www.mivv.it/public/EICMA_2008/suono_full_carbon.JPG (http://www.mivv.it/public/EICMA_2008/suono_full_carbon.JPG) Title: Re: Mivv Exhausts for 696 Post by: Raux on January 05, 2009, 01:48:57 PM Those are the Suono in full CF. very very nice looking.
Title: Re: Mivv Exhausts for 696 Post by: shaolins on June 04, 2009, 08:43:54 PM The full cf....i like....
Does anyone have clip of suono with no db killer? how is it compared to gp with no db killer? Title: Re: Mivv Exhausts for 696 Post by: misterburns on July 11, 2009, 07:52:32 PM anyone know how the full CF's perform and sound vs the Termi's?