Title: The Clinic in Minturn Post by: Manny on July 27, 2014, 08:14:33 AM Hey, all.
Just completed a little 3-day moto camping trip to the Minturn/Leadville area. On day #2 we were passing through Leadville on the way to Independence Pass and I noticed that my rear tire was suddenly at 12 lbs and losing life quickly. Called around to Breck and a few other local places, but no one said they could change a tire on a Duc (and they all said they didn't have time anyway)... until someone suggested I call The Clinic in Minturn. When I called, they said they had a tire in stock that would work and were willing to rearrange their service schedule to help me out! So, a big shout out to Marshall and the guys at The Clinic in Minturn. They really saved my bacon and I was impressed with their quality of work and attention to detail. If you're ever up in that area, stop in and check them out! |