Title: Epic Monster Ride - 843 miles in 2 days Post by: goog on August 04, 2014, 10:02:19 PM I have been itching to get out of the house and out of the area on my bike for a while. Have had my 696 for about 8 months and nothing really spectacular to show for it.... I live in Scottsdale, my sister lives in Sunnyvale CA. She invited me up to hang out for a while. Is that too far too ride on a Monster....? Only one way to find out.
I got ready for the trip and got together my gear. Just got some TCX boots off eBay, got an Ogio Mach 5 backpack, and tried to get a Tourmaster tank bag from a guy on Craigslist. That piece didn't work out, but made due with another aviation headset bag not much smaller. I also got a solar powered USB charger. That might be the best $30 ever spent. I carefully planned my route, and figured that I should be able to get to Lompoc on the coast before dark - about 100 miles past Santa Barbara. My plan was to head up Hwy 1 / PCH on Sunday morning. The plan was going perfectly until Saturday morning. I wanted to leave by 730am at the latest. At 830am on Saturday, I hit the starter, and nothing. The first time she ever didn't start right up. Anyhow, fast forward 3+ hours, about 1 hour of which was on the battery tender, it started right up. I had planned 5 gas stops before Lompoc, and the first 3 legs across the desert went perfectly. Hydrate, hydrate, and hydrate. I hit rain in the mountain pass around Palm Springs, but nothing too bad. I don't have a lot of experience riding in the rain (hey, I live in Scottsdale, what do you expect?) But it didn't bother me at all. Anyhow, with the last start, and the technical delay, instead of getting to Lompoc before dark. I didn't get to the hotel until almost midnight. I was sore, tired, stiff, and spent but I made it. The last hour was riding through patchy fog, at night on twisty unfamiliar dark roads. Not what I wanted, but we got the job done. 474 miles in one day. The next morning, I was excited to get an early start on my "E Ticket" PCH ride, But no go, same starting problem as Saturday morning. Flash forward about another 4 hours, and a battery tender for me to get on my way. Any way - 843 miles in 2 days. The good news is that I need to ride my bike back to Scottsdale in a couple weeks and I am looking at a new route to head home on. It was a great experience and now I am shopping for a gel foam saddle to go home with I might post some pics soon! Title: Re: Epic Monster Ride - 843 miles in 2 days Post by: Dirty Duc on August 04, 2014, 10:11:02 PM Well played.
Title: Re: Epic Monster Ride - 843 miles in 2 days Post by: red baron on August 05, 2014, 04:04:23 AM Awesome, and buy a new battery. [thumbsup]
Title: Re: Epic Monster Ride - 843 miles in 2 days Post by: Privateer on August 05, 2014, 04:56:00 AM nice.
there was actually flash flooding up in the mountains, near where you hit rain. Title: Re: Post by: goog on August 05, 2014, 10:44:32 AM I looked at the radar from about 100 miles away and it looked scary. By the time I got to around Banning, the path along the 10 had opened up. Talked to some Harley guys that had just come through and they said it wasn't bad.
Title: Re: Epic Monster Ride - 843 miles in 2 days Post by: SpikeC on August 05, 2014, 05:26:21 PM If you want a seat that you can ride on all day without butt hurt, I have a Rick Mayer saddle that will fit your bike!
Title: Re: Post by: goog on August 05, 2014, 08:20:07 PM Hey Spike! How much and where? I'm planning a longer route for the trip home
Title: Re: Epic Monster Ride - 843 miles in 2 days Post by: koko64 on August 07, 2014, 12:21:08 AM Well done. [thumbsup]
And great signature. ;D Title: Re: Epic Monster Ride - 843 miles in 2 days Post by: MendoDave on August 07, 2014, 12:48:00 AM Good write up. [thumbsup]