Title: Confederate Motors New X132 Hellcat - thoughts? Post by: The ModFather on August 14, 2014, 05:31:26 AM I've admired the Hellcat for a while as a beautiful piece of powerful machinery where every component looks explicitly manufactured for each bike. From a design perspective for this style of bike I see it as damn near perfect. Now they've got Ducati's ex Director of Design on board and here's the latest output. Not a whole new bike compared to previous Hellcats but as we all know the devil is in the details. I think this thing is a masterpiece. Now if everyone that reads this would please send me $100 I could go buy one.
http://store.confederate.com/products/x132-hellcat (http://store.confederate.com/products/x132-hellcat) (https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3911/14729625609_a91a4a3d6b_o.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/orBbwe)X132-Hellcat-1_1024x1024 (https://flic.kr/p/orBbwe) by ricknieto (https://www.flickr.com/people/65036619@N04/), on Flickr (https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3909/14729680788_7fef1461ff_o.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/orBsVA)X132-Hellcat-4_1024x1024 (https://flic.kr/p/orBsVA) by ricknieto (https://www.flickr.com/people/65036619@N04/), on Flickr (https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5585/14729623290_673f1af077_o.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/orBaQf)X132-Hellcat-2_1024x1024 (https://flic.kr/p/orBaQf) by ricknieto (https://www.flickr.com/people/65036619@N04/), on Flickr Title: Re: Confederate Motors New X132 Hellcat - thoughts? Post by: red baron on August 14, 2014, 05:34:41 AM Looks like it would be loud and heavy. :-\
Title: Re: Confederate Motors New X132 Hellcat - thoughts? Post by: thought on August 14, 2014, 06:10:03 AM Not quite grooving on it... I like their other ones better.
That being said, it's a Terblanche design so that means it will be pretty reviled when it's in production and then adored once it's out of production ala 999, sc1000, etc... Title: Re: Confederate Motors New X132 Hellcat - thoughts? Post by: Speedbag on August 14, 2014, 06:59:47 AM Pull that rear wheel in a tad and I'd rock that thing. [thumbsup]
The X-wedge engine is a honey. Title: Re: Confederate Motors New X132 Hellcat - thoughts? Post by: Triple J on August 14, 2014, 07:22:50 AM Pull that rear wheel in a tad and I'd rock that thing. [thumbsup] +1 The only thing I don't like is the swingarm looks too long. Title: Re: Confederate Motors New X132 Hellcat - thoughts? Post by: Travman on August 14, 2014, 10:46:10 AM +1 I agree, but it probably needs that long swingarm to keep the front end down. The only thing I don't like is the swingarm looks too long. Also, It wouldn't look as long if the seat wasn't chopped so short. Title: Re: Confederate Motors New X132 Hellcat - thoughts? Post by: jduke on August 14, 2014, 11:32:14 AM EYEWASH!! EYEWASH!!
I'd pay $100 for a couple of swings at it with a sledgehammer. No offense intended...but you did ask. Title: Re: Confederate Motors New X132 Hellcat - thoughts? Post by: Dirty Duc on August 14, 2014, 12:46:46 PM Looks like it would be loud and heavy. :-\ 150 lb.ft of torque132 hp 500 lbs. http://confederate.com/x132-hellcat-specs/ (http://confederate.com/x132-hellcat-specs/) Heavy is relative, what's wrong with loud? Title: Re: Confederate Motors New X132 Hellcat - thoughts? Post by: The ModFather on August 14, 2014, 01:14:29 PM I agree with the opinions on the wheelbase. At 62.5" it's 3" longer than the Monster 1200 (which I think is also a bit long). I'd also pull it in a little but considering the rest of the bike I could live with that.
Title: Re: Confederate Motors New X132 Hellcat - thoughts? Post by: Speedbag on August 15, 2014, 04:49:07 AM At 62.5" it's 3" longer than the Monster 1200 (which I think is also a bit long). I think only 3" would be about right.... Title: Re: Confederate Motors New X132 Hellcat - thoughts? Post by: bdub on August 15, 2014, 06:26:32 AM Check is on the way
Title: Re: Confederate Motors New X132 Hellcat - thoughts? Post by: duccarlos on August 15, 2014, 07:14:33 AM 2/3rd of that bike looks good.
Title: Re: Confederate Motors New X132 Hellcat - thoughts? Post by: Skybarney on August 15, 2014, 08:19:37 AM 2/3rd of that bike looks good. Must be the two thirds of the other side....... Title: Re: Confederate Motors New X132 Hellcat - thoughts? Post by: Dirty Duc on August 15, 2014, 08:24:50 AM All I know is, that kind of money will get you a used Desmosedici and enough track school to learn how to use it.
I think this bike is not far enough outside the box to warrant that kind of cash outlay. It's cool, it's just not $65k kind of cool. Title: Re: Confederate Motors New X132 Hellcat - thoughts? Post by: Ducatamount on August 15, 2014, 09:01:24 AM [drool]... and I bet even more so in person.
Would I change anything? Sure, just like on any bike. Seat -sub frame is all wrong. They all need to be modded to some degree. Title: Re: Confederate Motors New X132 Hellcat - thoughts? Post by: The ModFather on August 15, 2014, 11:38:52 AM All I know is, that kind of money will get you a used Desmosedici and enough track school to learn how to use it. I think this bike is not far enough outside the box to warrant that kind of cash outlay. It's cool, it's just not $65k kind of cool. The value on the cool is subjective. 8) As for the cost that's going to be largely due to economies of scale. A big part of that price point is due to the fact that they dont mass produce these on the same scale that Ducati does. Which means they dont get the same level of volume discounts on source materials and they dont have the same level of automated manufacturing in place that Ducati does so it's going to cost more. Not unlike the Super Leggera which goes for $65K (or more) and does benefit from Ducati's advantage when it comes to economies of scale. I would think if you could afford this bike you probably got a couple Ducs in the 6 car garage anyways (at least I would ;D). Title: Re: Confederate Motors New X132 Hellcat - thoughts? Post by: Dirty Duc on August 15, 2014, 12:50:28 PM The value on the cool is subjective. 8) I'm tracking on the subjectivity of the value of cool and some of the reasons for the price. Very few things are $65k kind of cool in my book at this stage in my life. ;DAs for the cost that's going to be largely due to economies of scale. A big part of that price point is due to the fact that they dont mass produce these on the same scale that Ducati does. Which means they dont get the same level of volume discounts on source materials and they dont have the same level of automated manufacturing in place that Ducati does so it's going to cost more. Not unlike the Super Leggera which goes for $65K (or more) and does benefit from Ducati's advantage when it comes to economies of scale. I would think if you could afford this bike you probably got a couple Ducs in the 6 car garage anyways (at least I would ;D). Title: Re: Confederate Motors New X132 Hellcat - thoughts? Post by: Privateer on August 17, 2014, 06:28:51 AM I like to look at them. I wouldn't want to own one.
Title: Re: Confederate Motors New X132 Hellcat - thoughts? Post by: MendoDave on August 17, 2014, 06:42:19 AM EYEWASH!! EYEWASH!! I'd pay $100 for a couple of swings at it with a sledgehammer. No offense intended...but you did ask. Here you go. (http://static.seton.com/media/catalog/product/Gravity-Fed-Eyewash-Station-J95-ba.jpg) As for my Highly Esteemed And Valued Opinion. It looks OK but I'm not crazy about it. It's a new acronym "HEAVO" Title: Re: Confederate Motors New X132 Hellcat - thoughts? Post by: Cloner on August 27, 2014, 04:46:39 PM I'll take two, please. [evil]
Title: Re: Confederate Motors New X132 Hellcat - thoughts? Post by: muskrat on August 29, 2014, 01:25:35 PM I'll take two, please. [evil] I agree. Title: Re: Confederate Motors New X132 Hellcat - thoughts? Post by: The ModFather on August 29, 2014, 02:00:54 PM It's interesting how subjective this is because I didnt expect the reaction to be this polarized. Especially when you consider the fact that we all love the look of the Monster so we share some sense of esthetics. Some find it repulsive. I definitely am in the "I'll take two [evil]" camp. Love it.