Title: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: weemonster on August 20, 2014, 03:20:14 PM I remember as a teenager I had a poster of a Monster on my bedroom wall.
I also had a 916 and an Urban Tiger Fireblade. 20 years later do the real things live up to expectations? YES (https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t1.0-9/10614123_820311051334319_7947918554711012604_n.jpg) ok so its a 996 but I can't afford a 94 916 they have become collectable and the only one for sale in the uk is twice what I paid for the 996. Anyways what bikes did you lust after as a teenager? And have you had/got any of them? Next on the wanted one when I was a kid but couldn't afford it (or to insure it) is an early Subaru Impreza wrx. Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: ducpainter on August 20, 2014, 03:26:23 PM I had a few bikes I wanted as a teen...bad.
I doubt I'll ever own any of them. Bultaco Metralla... Royal Enfield 750 interceptor... and a Velocette Thruxton. Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: Grampa on August 20, 2014, 05:21:49 PM rd 400 daytona special
Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: Rudemouthsky on August 20, 2014, 05:45:29 PM All the bikes I had when I was young I didn't properly appreciate. They were what I could afford, and I flogged them mercilessly. My biggest regret is thrashing this thing into an early grave:
(http://www.bikez.com/pictures/honda/1984/22107_0_1_2_vf%201100%20s%20sabre%20v65_Szondy%20Laszlo.jpg) Paid $750 for it in 1995, engine wasn't even broken in yet. Was incredibly fast. At the time I wanted an XR750 more than anything, and riding this goofy Jap bike was an embarrassment. Now I want another one to see how dramatically I could modify it. Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: red baron on August 20, 2014, 06:30:37 PM 1993 CBR900RR
Wanted one BAAAAAAAADDDD Still want one. Recently passed up a low mileage survivor over e few hundred bucks. [bang] or and RC30. [evil] Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: mjk778 on August 20, 2014, 07:43:24 PM When I was a kid, didn't get any better than the GPZ900 from top gun. The honda interceptor 750 in red, white, and blue whose poster was hanging on my wall next to the porsche 959, testarossa, and countach was also THE bike I lusted after.
Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: MadDuck on August 20, 2014, 10:15:54 PM Mine started with a '68 Triumph Bonneville and, oddly enough, a Honda CB77 Super Hawk. Then the Yamaha RD350/RD400. There was also the Honda CB750 in there. During that time I had a '69 Norton Commando and that was awesome!!
A Suzuki Katana in there and the BMW R90S. After that I lost track for years until the Monster came out. Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: Langanobob on August 21, 2014, 05:03:24 AM http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z312/Langanobob/Kawasaki500Triple_zps6724c997.jpg[/img]](http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z312/Langanobob/Kawasaki500Triple_zps6724c997.jpg) (http://[IMG) Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: ungeheuer on August 21, 2014, 05:35:19 AM (http://automotora.nl/Moto_Guzzi_850_LeMans_2_files/shapeimage_2.png)
(http://carspics-db.com/data_images/gallery/03/honda-cb-400-four/honda-cb-400-four-07.jpg) (http://registrostoricomba.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/125vr.jpg) Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: Rudemouthsky on August 21, 2014, 07:03:18 AM (http://automotora.nl/Moto_Guzzi_850_LeMans_2_files/shapeimage_2.png) (http://carspics-db.com/data_images/gallery/03/honda-cb-400-four/honda-cb-400-four-07.jpg) (http://registrostoricomba.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/125vr.jpg) The Honda CB series...dunno how I could forget to mention them. Possibly THE most iconic bikes of my generation and if not they are the biggest "sleepers" of the lot. I think the fact that are still so damn many of them still, with the exception of the original sandcast 750 hurts their "iconic" status a bit, but eventually those are going to be highly sought after bikes. Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: koko64 on August 21, 2014, 03:10:42 PM Early 916 Mono, RC30, XR750 flat tracker, 69 Bonnie, '65 Panhead chopper, and finally 96 Gixxer 750 (beginning of the Squid Era).
Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: the_Journeyman on August 21, 2014, 05:27:52 PM For me, the Suzuki GS1150E. It was featured in Meatloaf's 'Modern Girl' video. I did get an ES version, but really wanted the E version so I sold the ES.
(http://www.suzukicycles.org/photos/GSX/GSX1100E/1985_GSX1100E_rd-blk_800.jpg) JM Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: red baron on August 21, 2014, 05:57:36 PM (http://carspics-db.com/data_images/gallery/03/honda-cb-400-four/honda-cb-400-four-07.jpg) That was my first street bike. Mine was yellow with a red stripe. Great bike. Many fond memories. [thumbsup] Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: Curmudgeon on August 21, 2014, 07:36:13 PM Iconic? Not mine (can't scan my chromes) but I had an early '74 like this one, replaced with an early RS Motorsport in 1978.
(http://gallery.leica-users.org/d/389545-1/1974-R90S-Rt-Side.jpg) Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: ungeheuer on August 22, 2014, 01:57:41 AM That was my first street bike. Mine was yellow with a red stripe. Great bike. Many fond memories. [thumbsup] Nice RB, nice.I always wanted (but never did own) a blue Honda 400 Four. Love the curvature of those four gorgeously sweeping headers............. Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: SpikeC on August 22, 2014, 07:42:49 AM I'm an old phart, so my first loves were a '68 Triumph Bonneville and a Harley Sportster.
Then I was in lust for a Guzzi Le Mans, the original one. Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: bdfinally on August 22, 2014, 10:21:03 AM rd 400 daytona special +1 well until the RZ350 Kenny Roberts Replica came out. The unattainable lust was for (http://www.motorcycleclassics.com/~/media/Images/MCC/Editorial/Articles/Magazine%20Articles/2011/03-01/1975%20Moto%20Morini%20Sport/MORINI_01.jpg) Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: Bill in OKC on August 22, 2014, 11:35:23 AM 1969 was the year - Honda CB 750 and Kawasaki H1 500.
Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: SpikeC on August 22, 2014, 11:42:08 AM I bought a '69 CB750 with my first VA pension check in January of '70............
Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: ute on August 22, 2014, 02:55:50 PM 1986 GSXR 750
(https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSN1WPZavFM444zXICegGHaEfzIQWDkAVRYI4MpVkKDV9YsioXfow) Which I now own And 1977 RD400 (https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSDyWHW-MNeWoNjXGEb4zoouvQr4eATDka5uR2WL-YUqdd94i840Q) Which I own again ..My first got destroyed racing a KZ900 when I was 16 Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: red baron on August 22, 2014, 05:54:51 PM 1986 GSXR 750 (https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSN1WPZavFM444zXICegGHaEfzIQWDkAVRYI4MpVkKDV9YsioXfow) Not to nit pick, however that pic is a LTD, do you own THAT bike? Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: Speeddog on August 22, 2014, 09:37:35 PM Had an RD 350 for a few years, my first street bike.
Got my very first ticket on it. [laugh] I do miss having it, but I don't miss the *frequent* points adjustments. I'd like another 2-stroke, but something more advanced...... (http://www.motorcyclistonline.com/sites/motorcyclistonline.com/files/import/page_element_images/122_9609_01z%2B1975_yamaha_rd350%2Brear_side_view.jpg) My grandfather bought a BMW R60/5, brand new. My dad and I adopted it. Quintessential boxer twin, painfully slow as a 600 with the bulk of 900. Such a clunky transmission. Just too much tractor DNA in it. (http://static.panoramio.com/photos/large/48748574.jpg) Ah, my XV920R. A really wonderful motor, best transmission I've ever had. Starter gear-drive was diabolically tragic, really a shame. Overall a very pleasant motor trapped in a flexy-flyer frame with pencil thin forks and skinny tires. (http://greenagain.smugmug.com/Other/XV920R/DSCN0375/1021480533_dZEbj-L.jpg) Hooked me on twins, and kept me from buying an M900 when I was shopping, so I got this: (https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3223/3078268952_1c3b1bdab6_o.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/5G1W7C) Didn't come exactly like that.... Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: AK ducati on August 23, 2014, 07:29:00 PM Always wanted the Yamaha RD350 growing up. Could never afford one that was in decent shape..sigh.
Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: stonemaster on August 24, 2014, 12:52:54 PM 73 Kaw Z1 900
Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: ute on August 24, 2014, 01:59:06 PM Not to nit pick, however that pic is a LTD, do you own THAT bike? I posted that one for the Boobies factor !! here is mine (http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b343/uterep/Gixxer/100_1437.jpg) and the RD (http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b343/uterep/100_0272.jpg) Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: koko64 on August 24, 2014, 05:25:34 PM Have to totally agree with the first Gixxer being included.
Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: Duck-Stew on August 25, 2014, 08:42:07 AM A little different than the 916 posted earlier, but these have always held a soft-spot for me:
1997 Ducati 748 mono-posto in yellow: (http://nprducati.com/wp-content/uploads/IMG_1662.jpg) Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: Skybarney on August 25, 2014, 11:46:46 AM Kawasaki S1 250 Triple. Mine had cafe bars. [thumbsup]
(http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f149/Skybarney/s1.jpg) (http://s46.photobucket.com/user/Skybarney/media/s1.jpg.html) Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: ungeheuer on August 25, 2014, 02:23:02 PM ^^ oooh nice [thumbsup]
especially with cafe bars. Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: ducpainter on August 25, 2014, 02:58:56 PM Kawasaki S1 250 Triple. Mine had cafe bars. [thumbsup] The first new bike I ever bought was an S-2...350.(http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f149/Skybarney/s1.jpg) (http://s46.photobucket.com/user/Skybarney/media/s1.jpg.html) Clubman bars flipped over... Denco pipes... and a motor mod that Kevin Cameron, long before he was a famous journalist, and I came up with. Friggin' thing was a light switch. It had no dimmer. ;D Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: Curmudgeon on August 25, 2014, 03:19:02 PM Friggin' thing was a light switch. It had no dimmer. ;D Come to think of it..., this should be the "survivors thread". ;DTitle: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: Speeddog on August 25, 2014, 03:54:58 PM Come to think of it..., this should be the "survivors thread". ;D Oh, "survived this bike"? I put maybe a thousand miles on one of these. Frame had at least two hinges in the middle. Vibration level was diabolical, combined with pathetic power. For some reason, the owner had ArmorAlled both tires, and I never found anything that would clean them. Honestly the biggest POS I can recall riding, it tried to throw me on the ground several times. (https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3888/14850469519_ac36545f45_o.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/oChxcV) As a counterpoint, I had a short ride on one of these, similar vintage as the Yamaha, and it blew it away in every possible category. Actually quite a nice bike. (https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3853/15014288766_cc1993be58_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/oSL9XG) Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: ducpainter on August 25, 2014, 03:57:19 PM A buddy rode an XS 650 from Boston to Alaska...
and back in the early 70's. They shook, but were pretty much bullet proof. Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: Speeddog on August 25, 2014, 04:01:28 PM A friend in college had a 650 Special, I rode it a little, other than the vibration it was pretty decent, would have been way better with a normal riding position.
That 400 I rode was awful. Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: koko64 on August 25, 2014, 04:03:03 PM A buddy's XS650 blew its carbs off every time he kick started it. Every time he grabbed the clutch in the wet, it gave him a shock from the coils. [laugh]
Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: ducpainter on August 25, 2014, 04:03:24 PM A friend in college had a 650 Special, I rode it a little, other than the vibration it was pretty decent, would have been way better with a normal riding position. Ever ride a BSA 650?That 400 I rode was awful. Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: Speeddog on August 25, 2014, 04:13:36 PM Ever ride a BSA 650? No, only experience with Brit motos was a bit of riding on a Daytona 955. Not much in common with a BSA. Did it shake more than an XS650? A buddy's XS650 blew its carbs off every time he kick started it. Every time he grabbed the clutch in the wet, it gave him a shock from the coils. [laugh] That's fantastic! [clap] You wouldn't have any video of that, would you? Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: ducpainter on August 25, 2014, 04:20:16 PM No, only experience with Brit motos was a bit of riding on a Daytona 955. All the XS 650's I came into contact with kept all their major parts.Not much in common with a BSA. Did it shake more than an XS650? BSA's would shed them on the way down the road... nothing that kept you from riding it... tail lights...fenders...and the like. :P Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: koko64 on August 25, 2014, 04:28:59 PM That's fantastic! [clap] You wouldn't have any video of that, would you? It was a long time ago. ;D Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: Curmudgeon on August 25, 2014, 04:49:00 PM Oh, "survived this bike"? Never owned anything Japanese personally, but I believe these were OK? Amazing what turns up down here occasionally. ;)(http://gallery.leica-users.org/d/354075-1/KZ-400.jpg) Sorry about the mirror. 8) Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: ducpainter on August 25, 2014, 04:52:57 PM Never owned anything Japanese personally, but I believe these were OK? Amazing what turns up down here occasionally. ;) KX something?(http://gallery.leica-users.org/d/354075-1/KZ-400.jpg) Sorry about the mirror. 8) Kwacks typically had great motors and lousy chassis. Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: Speeddog on August 25, 2014, 05:01:22 PM I don't remember any particular trouble with bits falling off his XS650.
But that was in college, and there was a pub on campus. And he was one member of a batch of Norwegian nationals that I was hanging with. So some details from that time are IZ_. I principally blame the Linje Aquavit. ;D No video, a bit of a shame. But I can imagine it, and perhaps that's better! Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: Rudemouthsky on August 25, 2014, 05:37:01 PM As a counterpoint, I had a short ride on one of these, similar vintage as the Yamaha, and it blew it away in every possible category. Actually quite a nice bike. (https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3853/15014288766_cc1993be58_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/oSL9XG) My buddy is rebuilding a GS750. He's put a complete ZX750K front end and a cafe seat on it and it looks awesome just like that, and the sound is AWESOME, that raspy banshee like sound through a 4-1 Kerker pipe, just plain evil sounding. I'm trying to convince him to trade it to me for my M750 once I get it back together. Modified ZX750K steering stem: (http://i1008.photobucket.com/albums/af202/johnnyblaze19761/IMG957805_zpsammja5nk.jpg) (http://s1008.photobucket.com/user/johnnyblaze19761/media/IMG957805_zpsammja5nk.jpg.html) Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: ducpainter on August 25, 2014, 05:38:06 PM Yeah...
probably difficult to remember that far back. ;D Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: Curmudgeon on August 25, 2014, 06:06:14 PM KX something? Side cover says KZ400. Had to look at the file to read it! 8)Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: Speeddog on August 25, 2014, 07:59:30 PM Considering it's bulk, all 714 lbs of it, and it's bountiful wheelbase.....
This was a pretty awesome scooter. Had it for a year or so. Once rolling, it was really easy to handle. Carbs were a bit flaky, so leaving it on the sidestand was a bad idea. It required my full 100% lift to get it up on the centerstand, until I chopped 3/4" or so out of the legs. Then it was borderline reasonable. Smooth, fast, not nimble, but OK. Glad I had it. (https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5580/14852215729_0da85f5042_c.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/oCruhZ) Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: ungeheuer on August 26, 2014, 04:18:58 AM The two that held the most six appeal for me were these...
(http://www.carvsdust.com/images/honda-cbx-series-6.jpg) (http://roadster6.nl/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Benelli_sei052.jpg) ...lusted after them both. Never was able to persuade either to let me ride 'em home. Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: Scoober1103 on August 26, 2014, 08:10:59 PM Like most I regret selling most bikes but here is a couple of my all time favorites.
1st one I restored and looked exactly like this, painted the same colour and same pin striping. Sold it to buy my first house! (https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5580/14863042739_2eb573e8bf_o.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/oDoYMz)1977-kawasaki-z1000-a1 (https://flic.kr/p/oDoYMz) by scoober11031 (https://www.flickr.com/people/119072382@N04/), on Flickr 2nd one I had done extensive work to and the first week back on the road a 17yr old performed an illegal u-turn right in front of me and the bike was destroyed! I have been searching for one ever since! (https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3872/15049773035_948a440da2_o.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/oVU2cr)Kawasaki KR-1S (https://flic.kr/p/oVU2cr) by scoober11031 (https://www.flickr.com/people/119072382@N04/), on Flickr 3rdly I had an earlier one of these, pretty much the same minus the SSSA and mine was an SP with a dry clutch and one of the best handling bikes I have owned! This one pictured was available from Honda Australia as you see pictured and also one I have been searching for! (https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3911/14863120340_f00745f473_o.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/oDpnRw)1996_NSR250R_SP_REPSOL (https://flic.kr/p/oDpnRw) by scoober11031 (https://www.flickr.com/people/119072382@N04/), on Flickr Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: Mhanis on August 28, 2014, 06:07:31 AM Here are just a few of my favorites:
(http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii44/mhanis-colt/FZR400.gif) (http://s261.photobucket.com/user/mhanis-colt/media/FZR400.gif.html) (http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii44/mhanis-colt/FJ1200.jpg) (http://s261.photobucket.com/user/mhanis-colt/media/FJ1200.jpg.html) (http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii44/mhanis-colt/Strada.jpg) (http://s261.photobucket.com/user/mhanis-colt/media/Strada.jpg.html) (http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii44/mhanis-colt/Paso.jpg) (http://s261.photobucket.com/user/mhanis-colt/media/Paso.jpg.html) I could go on and on................ Mark Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: cross on August 30, 2014, 09:26:11 AM This is what i had purchased earlier this year. It is '82 Honda CBX with 21.5km on it. It was sitting in a garage for about 8 years and not started for about 5. It is in pristine condition.
It did take me few months to get it in ride able condition. Everything had to be rebuilt, brakes, forks, carbs (6 of them), valves adjusted (24) etc. Bike is amazing! I cant get enough it, i have about 5km on it since. (https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-LW-KLbGgk8I/VAUw85LujII/AAAAAAAAABw/okAXlVVXJOg/w777-h518-no/GM_38631sm2.jpg) Sasha Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: Stabel1 on August 31, 2014, 06:18:39 AM When I started riding bikes I was into dual purpose bikes (1985) and I wanted a Yamaha 600 xt Tenere (Poster on the wall) and I wanted the BMW
(https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-2dleBlbRRPM/VAMmNosEj3I/AAAAAAAADgE/MwYb9LyHma4/w580-h387-no/11.183691.jpg) which won Paris Dakar back then. And the first one that was clocked at 200km/h in the desert... (https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-C93XujII4RM/U9PbefFqQyI/AAAAAAAAC80/A1Rr39ZeCrU/w746-h583-no/P1030753.JPG)Atleast I had the Tenere (https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-meIcGRLByng/VAMngWAWuNI/AAAAAAAADgc/t1VkFEPBv9o/w875-h583-no/xt%2B600%2Btenere%2Bjpg.jpg) (sold it and regret it)... And since (https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-c-MngTPHMRs/VAMmde9l3vI/AAAAAAAADgM/2CNLVRBhuZ4/w709-h473-no/bc83e6aa0add64268365a3cbf2615bc9.jpg) the 851/888 and then in particular since 1994 it had to be the 916 ... (https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-SOfyBfjNF1g/T-temg-4GDI/AAAAAAAABhw/QJ0ek4NUhyQ/w777-h583-no/P1020376.JPG) 1994 SP mine since 2011 Until 2001 there were different Japanese bikes (Kawasaki GPZ 900R, Yamaha FZR 1000) and the Triumph Speed Triple which I had a soft spot for...not to forget the MV F4 and the Brutale... Klaus Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: the_Journeyman on September 01, 2014, 04:40:43 AM I have to mention the 916 again. I was in college when the movie 'Fled' came out. That movie had me drooling over the Ducati 916. If I had disposable income, I might find one in the garage some day. Up until I saw Fled, I didn't even know Ducati existed.
JM Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: brad black on September 01, 2014, 05:11:58 AM (https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3872/15049773035_948a440da2_o.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/oVU2cr)Kawasaki KR-1S (https://flic.kr/p/oVU2cr) by scoober11031 (https://www.flickr.com/people/119072382@N04/), on Flickr yeah baby. Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: Stuka Pilot on September 01, 2014, 05:54:52 AM For me the 1970's were all about the full power 180 degree Laverda Jota.
Way beyond my pocket at the time, but owned - and restored - one in later life, they were incredible machines. If I knew how to upload a picture I would post one!! Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: ducpainter on September 01, 2014, 06:09:51 AM For me the 1970's were all about the full power 180 degree Laverda Jota. http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=109.0 (http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=109.0)Way beyond my pocket at the time, but owned - and restored - one in later life, they were incredible machines. If I knew how to upload a picture I would post one!! Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: cross on September 01, 2014, 07:10:30 PM Laverda Jota, i forgot about that one!
I remember as a kid, maybe 10 or so, seeing one on the street corner, it looked amazing, orange color. I've been looking for one for very long time and there are none at least in the states. (http://www.bikez.com/pictures/laverda/1975/10326_0_1_2_1000_Image%20credits%20-%20bonny6580@tiscali.it.jpg) (http://www.motorcycleclassics.com/~/media/Images/MCC/Editorial/Articles/Magazine%20Articles/2009/07-01/The%20Laverda%20Jota%201000/Laverda_Jota1.jpg) Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: thought on September 02, 2014, 10:50:24 AM (http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20081125224404/tron/images/f/f7/LightCycle.jpg)
Half a joke only... I still remember seeing this as a kid and thinking... I gotta get a motorcycle one day. Title: Re: so every generation has its iconic bikes.Apartfrom the monster what are yours? Post by: Rudemouthsky on September 02, 2014, 11:47:23 AM (http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20081125224404/tron/images/f/f7/LightCycle.jpg) I still remember seeing this as a kid and thinking... I gotta get a motorcycle one day. Same here. |