Title: Continental Tire Recall Post by: Speeddog on August 26, 2014, 10:21:55 PM http://www.continentaltire.com/www/tires_us_en/conti_communication/news/pr/08_11_14_motorcycle_recall_en.html (http://www.continentaltire.com/www/tires_us_en/conti_communication/news/pr/08_11_14_motorcycle_recall_en.html)
It appears that if your Continental tire has "Attack" in the name, you should be concerned. Whether that's few, some, or all Continental tires from 2007 to present, I don't know. Title: Re: Continental Tire Recall Post by: Buckethead on August 27, 2014, 04:39:53 AM Fortunately I use the cheaper Conti Motion tires (and love em, btw).
Details on models and date codes: http://www.rubbernews.com/article/20140811/NEWS/140819996/continental-recalls-9000-motorcycle-tires (http://www.rubbernews.com/article/20140811/NEWS/140819996/continental-recalls-9000-motorcycle-tires) Title: Re: Continental Tire Recall Post by: Howie on August 27, 2014, 10:33:21 AM [thumbsup]