G'day All
I recently sat down and sent off a rather long email about a number issues that the Qld Government is considering lumping on top of Motorcyclists, This was sent off to the Qld Minister for Transport, I mentioned a number of issues, including poor quality roads, poor driver training and licensing, Getting police out from behind the speed Cameras and on the highway, More red light cameras on well known dangerous intersections, pointless and dangerous logic behind Front number plates, I highlighted the fact that a recent OECD summit on Motorcycle safety was shown to use Vic Roads many proposal's and Ideas (EG: Front number plates, Safety Levy and many other proposals) were shown to have NO safety credibility at all.
And yet, we as a state are going to go down that same route.
This letter was long with no name calling and citing many European studies and us studies.
I tried to highlight as much as they would not want to hear it, that this insane focus on speed and raising money was not helping save lives, and no twisting of the Statistics would or could convince the general public otherwise. We have more problems on our roads than a speed camera would or could fix.
I also highlighted that in recent weeks, Vic roads had been considering backing away from the front number plates issues due to continued flack from the public, The Army (My brother in law is high up in the Army and has been following this proposal closely and they strongly disagree with it, they have a decent sized fleet of Dirt bikes), Australia post (Single biggest bike customer in Australia) Public Liability considerations and high ranking politicians questioning the logic behind such an expensive and ill-conceived bunch of proposals
And after all that, This was my response
Dear Mr Keys
Thank you for your email dated 18 June 2008 to the Honourable John Mickel
MP, Minister for Transport, Trade, Employment and Industrial Relations
regarding your concerns with the VicRoads proposed initiative for front
number plates on motorbikes. The Minister has asked that I respond on his
The Queensland Government recognises the importance of road safety to all
road user groups, including vulnerable groups such as motorbike riders. It
is also acknowledged that excessive speed does contribute to a proportion
of crashes involving motorbikes. In fact, in the 2006 Queensland Road
Safety Summit, representatives identified improving speed enforcement of
motorbikes as a high priority action.
Queensland Transport supports initiatives that will improve vehicle
identification, which is an essential component of effective speed
enforcement. The issue of the requirement for a front identifier for
motorbikes was most recently raised by Victoria and is currently being
considered at a national level. Queensland Transport representatives are
aware of this project and have raised a number of practical concerns that
must be addressed in order to identify the best and most appropriate means
of having motorbikes identified from the front.
I am advised that there are a number of issues to be considered prior to
the making of a requirement for a front number plate to be fitted to a
motorbike. Among those issues is the current design of motorbikes which
in many cases does not easily allow for a front number plate to be
Queensland Transport advises that options being considered include the use
of adhesive backed decals showing the registration number of the motorbike
and, methods of fixing brackets to hold a number plate to the front of a
It is necessary to investigate each of these types of identifiers and the
method used to fix the identifier to ensure that there is no impact on the
safety of the motorbike, rider or other road user through an alteration of
the handling, cooling or operation of the motorbike.
If you require any further information, please call Mr Andreas Blahous,
Land Transport and Safety on (Edited)
Yours sincerely
Assistant Policy Advisor
Correspondence Management
Departmental Liaison Unit
Phone: EDITED| Fax: EDITED | Email:
Correspondence.Management.QT@transport.qld.gov.au QUEENSLAND TRANSPORT |
Corporate Office Division | Executive and Ministerial Services Branch
So after all the other Issues I raised, they could only focus on one thing, raising money.
Typical make the beast with two backsing useless politicians, and they wonder why I refuse to vote for the make the beast with two backswits!
I sent a reply back asking if they even read my Email, I don't need another Form letter sent which tells me they have no Idea what is going on. And my Email/Letter was addressed to the Minister, I don't need one of his UnderLings answering my question's.
This is depressing news.
I don't know if you saw my other post? I contacted my insurance company about installing a fictitious 'turbo plate' on my front fender. Well, the initially said 'sure, no problem'... but they got back to me yesterday and said upon review, there were too many safety concerns.
They are supposed to mail me with that on Monday.
Oh, and re the letter you received. How do front license plates help with identification when Police cameras photograph from the rear? You guessed it - only toll way cameras photograph from the front. :-[
Not that Toll roads are on the Horizon up here in Cairns, Christ I think the Dickheads in the State Government think we only just got the horse and Cart running right up here.
Its interesting that the Authorities constantly use the "Excessive Speed" statement when attempting to justify their Road Safety campaigns. [roll]
The question has to be asked, what do they mean when they use the term excessive speed?? ???
Does it mean that people are breaking the speed limit?? (That seems to be the unstated inference from the Plods and Guvmint!!)
Or is it that the person/s were driving at an excessive speed for the prevailing traffic and conditions without necessarily exceeding the posted limits?? ;)
A mate who sent off a couple of letters to the Vic authorities and Ministers did not get an answer on this point from any of them. It was just sidestepped. I'm bloody sure that the stats are there to show whether a road user was actually breaking the speed limit or going too fast for the prevailing conditions and /or traffic without breaking the law. :o
It might seem like nit picking, but there seems to be a bit of fudging and selective use of the language on the so called info regarding excessive speed and not speeding. :-\ Maybe by answering this question, it might screw with all the bullshit that they foist upon us?? [roll]
As the old saying goes "Never let the facts get in the way of a good story!!"
Speed is always a contributing factor and this is the way they report it. You can't have an 'incident' without speed being a factor - even if a stationery motorbike was backed into by a car reverse parking it can be reported as 'Motorbike involved in accident, speed was a contributing factor'.
But of course you raised dozens of valid points, none were addressed directly and speed was the only one they 'addressed' by saying bike riders were serial offenders. So now you know, that being grouped in with serial offenders your safety and the effects on your mode of transport are irrelevant to the authorities.
What did happen to that list that we added our name to, I thought that was going to the relevent ministers to object about the front number plates.
We have had some news come through on this, can't say much at this stage.
But it looks like good news, when it becomes official I will let everyone know, just waiting for the official word from some higher ups in the Motorcycling riders groups.
I'm hoping this good news becomes official soon...