Title: Redfox Import/Redfox-Grinta.com, anyone familiar with them? Post by: Rudemouthsky on September 11, 2014, 04:48:02 AM I'm inquiring about a fairly large purchase from "Jan" at Redfox, and he wants me to pay with a bank transfer, no Paypal. It's just over $300. I really want the part...and his website certainly looks legit...just wondering if anyone has any FHE. This makes me kind of nervous. Bad idea? :-\
http://www.redfox-grinta.com/ (http://www.redfox-grinta.com/) Title: Re: Redfox Import/Redfox-Grinta.com, anyone familiar with them? Post by: DarkMonster620 on September 11, 2014, 05:00:53 AM First time I hear from this company, many companies I deal with, also request EFT payment . ..
Title: Re: Redfox Import/Redfox-Grinta.com, anyone familiar with them? Post by: Rudemouthsky on September 11, 2014, 05:31:06 AM First time I hear from this company, many companies I deal with, also request EFT payment . .. Many of the vendors I deal with overseas who supply the product I sell also only accept EFT...at first that made me nervous but now I'm accustomed to it. Honestly everything I can tell about this man and his company seem perfectly legit, and he comes up on Google searches as active in racing, parts and services. I guess I just find it strange that a parts dealer wouldn't at least have a PayPal. Carlos; you find this is common then from European suppliers? He is from Belgium. Title: Re: Redfox Import/Redfox-Grinta.com, anyone familiar with them? Post by: DarkMonster620 on September 11, 2014, 06:52:16 AM Yes I do . . . many simply don't like PP . . .
Title: Re: Redfox Import/Redfox-Grinta.com, anyone familiar with them? Post by: Dirty Duc on September 11, 2014, 01:18:26 PM They certainly have some cool-looking parts.
I would expect a scam to have less imagination. Title: Re: Redfox Import/Redfox-Grinta.com, anyone familiar with them? Post by: Rudemouthsky on September 11, 2014, 02:04:57 PM They certainly have some cool-looking parts. I would expect a scam to have less imagination. He also seemed offended when I asked for references and refused to accept Western Union, which i thought were POSITIVE signs, lol. Title: Re: Redfox Import/Redfox-Grinta.com, anyone familiar with them? Post by: brad black on September 11, 2014, 02:11:24 PM he is very well known in the tt/f1 scene.