Ducati Monster Forum

Local Clubs => CAM => Topic started by: Slide Panda on September 11, 2014, 08:53:57 AM

Title: FS: Cycle-Cat UCS-2 Fork Lift font stand
Post by: Slide Panda on September 11, 2014, 08:53:57 AM
Ok gang, trying to clean out the garage a bit.

So we have a Cycle-cat UCS-2 fork lift front stand.

There's a rub mark in the coating, as well as some paint over spray. So cosmetically, not perfect. But functionally perfect.

Features a long, removable handle

$75 - Picked up in South Arlington. If you really want it shipped, we can talk - but it'll be your dime as it'll be a big box.

Paypal is fine, as is cash.


Detail of coating flaw

Title: Re: FS: Cycle-Cat UCS-2 Fork Lift font stand
Post by: Jdan on September 11, 2014, 06:02:39 PM
ill take it. Pm me if you'll be around this weekend

Title: Re: FS: Cycle-Cat UCS-2 Fork Lift font stand
Post by: Slide Panda on September 12, 2014, 05:23:31 AM
Aye aye!

Sold to Jdan

Use it in good health

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