Title: Goose, Goose, Duc Post by: Mike P on September 18, 2014, 11:58:09 AM Name: Mike
Location: Austin, Texas Bike(s): Too Many How long you've been riding: Let's just say when I started riding electric starters and electronic ignitions were novelties. I just acquired my first Ducati, an 821 Monster. I've lusted for a Monster since 1999, but for whatever reason, never got one until now. Here is my 821 with it's Italian sisters: (http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y518/mjptexas/Ducati%20Monster%20821/Italiansfront38-23_zps51eca0f7.jpg) (http://s1278.photobucket.com/user/mjptexas/media/Ducati%20Monster%20821/Italiansfront38-23_zps51eca0f7.jpg.html) And don't forget to bring beer n' doughnuts when you say hello. (http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y518/mjptexas/ShinerBeer_zps43ca82b3.jpeg) (http://s1278.photobucket.com/user/mjptexas/media/ShinerBeer_zps43ca82b3.jpeg.html) Mmmmm . . . donuts. [drool] (http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y518/mjptexas/RoundRockDonut_zps9fd7910d.jpeg) (http://s1278.photobucket.com/user/mjptexas/media/RoundRockDonut_zps9fd7910d.jpeg.html) Title: Re: Goose, Goose, Duc Post by: pchoiboi on September 18, 2014, 12:09:51 PM i am jealous...of your collection [bow_down]
you made the right choice on a 821 came with a steel tank so you dont have to worry about a swollen gas tank like me :-\ glad the 821 reverted to a single round headlight Title: Re: Goose, Goose, Duc Post by: DesmoDiva on September 19, 2014, 03:58:53 PM Welcome.
You have a great looking stable! [Dolph] Title: Re: Goose, Goose, Duc Post by: thorn14 on September 20, 2014, 07:39:33 AM I always have wanted the opposite of you, two ducs and a goose.