Title: Gday from ACT Australia! Post by: newbie on September 20, 2014, 05:54:59 AM I've been lurking on here for a while now but about a month ago picked up a brand new black M659! LOVE IT!
Thought id post a gday because this site has helped me with a few small jobs :) Im a newbie at bikes only been riding about a year. Cheers Title: Re: Gday from ACT Australia! Post by: koko64 on September 20, 2014, 06:29:12 AM Welcome.
Yep, it's a helpful community. Congrats on the bkke. Cheers. Title: Re: Gday from ACT Australia! Post by: ungeheuer on September 20, 2014, 06:35:57 AM welcome aboard newbie :)