Title: Second hand monster buying advice? Post by: monzilla on September 29, 2014, 02:41:50 AM Hey guys!
I've only been riding upto 350cc bikes till now and have been looking to upgrade. I found a 2009 monster 696 with 24000 kilometres on the clock. What common issues can monsters develop that I need to check for before making a deal? I'm not so good at this as I've never bought second hand before. Appreciate your help! Title: Re: Second hand monste buying advice? Post by: ducpainter on September 29, 2014, 03:09:47 AM At that age and mileage I'd want to be sure that the belts have been replaced/are fairly new, the tires are new, and the chain has been replaced/is new.
Maintenance records are always a plus when buying a used Duc. Title: Re: Second hand monste buying advice? Post by: stopintime on September 29, 2014, 11:54:25 AM Don't know how much of this is relevant, but maybe interesting...
http://silodrome.com/buying-guide-ducati-monster/ (http://silodrome.com/buying-guide-ducati-monster/) Title: Re: Second hand monste buying advice? Post by: DarkMonster620 on September 29, 2014, 12:57:22 PM @24 000kms it should be on its 2nd belt and valve job . . . plus fluids would need to be renewed . . . You "down under"?
Title: Re: Second hand monste buying advice? Post by: monzilla on October 02, 2014, 09:45:39 AM Thanks guys appreciate your help!
I found a for a newer monster(2013 model :D) If all goes well I should be buying that. "Down Under" as in Australia? No! I live in Qatar. Title: Re: Second hand monster buying advice? Post by: jsanford on October 05, 2014, 08:57:52 AM My advice would be to assess the current owner. When I was shopping for a used Monster in 2008, most of the newer used ones I found had been flogged, left out in the rain, etc.--they were overdue for expensive services so the owners were just dumping them. Others had been stored inproperly in garages for years. Here they were overpriced so for just a little more I bought a new one.
Keep us posted and let us know what you get! [thumbsup] |