I dimly perceived most of this throughout my riding career, but this articulates it perfectly
http://lanesplitter.jalopnik.com/why-no-one-will-sell-you-the-bike-you-want-1641411378 (http://lanesplitter.jalopnik.com/why-no-one-will-sell-you-the-bike-you-want-1641411378)
A bit hyperbolic, but pretty good.
many insightful points made in there [clap]
That's a pretty good article...particularly the part saying if 25% of motorists rode motos instead, traffic congestion would disappear. A serious study on that would be very interesting.
One thing he doesn't mention is gas prices. In all the countries where motos are popular, gas prices are 2-3-5 times those in the USA.
If you're going to have to spend $10/gallon for gas, you want something that will give you the most mileage.
That's why the Smart car in Europe has a 1L 3 cylinder gas engine and why VW sold the Lupo in a TDI version that gets 80mpg.
We are a victim of our cheap gas. If gas was $8/gallon, you can bet people would want more efficiency and this includes the 50-200cc range for motos.
Until this year, in Virginia, 50cc motos didn't even need a tag. You see dozens of guys (usually recent immigrants) toodling around on 50 cc scooters. They are probably illegals, but all of them are making a financial choice -- cheap transport that gets 60 mpg.
Quote from: Triple J on October 08, 2014, 02:18:36 PM
That's a pretty good article...particularly the part saying if 25% of motorists rode motos instead, traffic congestion would disappear. A serious study on that would be very interesting.
May 1, 2006 we had no traffic. It was great.
I stopped reading right here:
"The Problem Is America: So we've identified that the vast majority of motorcycle consumers here are idiots buying bikes on cheap finance deals before promptly killing themselves."
.....Vast Majority!? Just because something DOES happen and the author SAYS (doesn't prove) that is happen a lot does not make it true. There was nothing to be learned from that article as far as I could tell. Saying an opinion over and over doesn't make it fact.
Quote from: Mhanis on October 09, 2014, 05:19:05 AM
I stopped reading right here:
"The Problem Is America: So we've identified that the vast majority of motorcycle consumers here are idiots buying bikes on cheap finance deals before promptly killing themselves."
.....Vast Majority!? Just because something DOES happen and the author SAYS (doesn't prove) that is happen a lot does not make it true. There was nothing to be learned from that article as far as I could tell. Saying an opinion over and over doesn't make it fact.
...not even on the internet? :o
Quote from: Mhanis on October 09, 2014, 05:19:05 AM
I stopped reading right here:
"The Problem Is America: So we've identified that the vast majority of motorcycle consumers here are idiots buying bikes on cheap finance deals before promptly killing themselves."
.....Vast Majority!? Just because something DOES happen and the author SAYS (doesn't prove) that is happen a lot does not make it true. There was nothing to be learned from that article as far as I could tell. Saying an opinion over and over doesn't make it fact.
The author def hurts his case by succumbing to a rant, but all the hyperbole aside he does make quite a few excellent points. I don't think it's necessarily fair to blame the industry as much as he does but he nails it by slamming the culture in this country...there's a shameful lack of education in regards to the pragmatic benefits of motorcycling, and the squid / poser lifestyles of sportbike / cruiser riding respectively is what's being marketed...and it's being bought. So yeah...unfortunately I don't have a hard time believing that way too many 'Murrican riders are idiots, even if not the "vast majority"...
When I read the title, I took it too literally. Was expecting to read why manufaturers don't build the bike I REALLY wanted..., e.g. a 796 "ST" (Same bike with a bit more weather protection and higher bar.), R-Nine-T based on the concept bike but rationalized to provide the function and versatility of the original R90S. Guess I'm out of touch. ;D
Quote from: ducatiz on October 08, 2014, 02:27:59 PM
Until this year, in Virginia, 50cc motos didn't even need a tag. You see dozens of guys (usually recent immigrants) toodling around on 50 cc scooters. They are probably illegals, but all of them are making a financial choice -- cheap transport that gets 60 mpg.
The guys who have lost their drivers license because of DUI's also ride the 50 cc scooters.
The author did make a valid point about smaller engine sizes and functionality over excessiveness. I bought my 696 back in 2010, and every time I think I might want to trade up to a bigger/faster bike, I realize that my bike already has more than I can legally use on the street in almost any given situation.
The part about seat height rings true as well. I'm 5'6" and I can't even flat foot my 30.3" seat height Monster. I'd love one of the bigger bikes, but they're too tall for me. The new Scramblers look interesting, but I don't have the funds to add a second bike to the stable right now, and I don't like them enough to part ways with my Monster.
Friends and co-workers would always poke fun at me because my bike is only a 696, or because my Camaro is only a V6. Both machines are perfect for how I use them. I don't race, they have more than enough power and handling to be a lot of fun, and they are more affordable than the larger displacement vehicles.
There is definitely a "bigger is better" mentality in the US, so it doesn't surprise me that the mindset has found its way into the motorcycle world as well.
Quote from: Adamm0621 on October 12, 2014, 01:12:08 AM
There is definitely a "bigger is better" mentality in the US, so it doesn't surprise me that the mindset has found its way into the motorcycle world as well.
You make a valid point but then again I'd much rather have the option of choosing for myself than a nanny telling me what I can and cannot do. At the end of the day we are responsible for ourselves and no matter what the finger points in one direction......to you, regardless of who secured financing and how easy it was for you to get. Darwin steps in from time to time ya know.
Quote from: muskrat on October 12, 2014, 06:39:37 AM
You make a valid point but then again I'd much rather have the option of choosing for myself than a nanny telling me what I can and cannot do. At the end of the day we are responsible for ourselves and no matter what the finger points in one direction......to you, regardless of who secured financing and how easy it was for you to get. Darwin steps in from time to time ya know.
Being inundated with the "bigger is better" mentality since birth by the television, newspapers, and endless sea of billboards combined with a complete lack of necessary education to actually make an intelligent choice isn't really freedom either though. I'm all for Darwinism/natural selection thinning the herd as necessary but only on a level playing field, where objective information is just as accessible as a billboard or commercial that's trying to sell you something.
Quote from: Buck Naked on October 12, 2014, 07:36:59 AM
... where objective information is just as accessible...
It's more accessible now then ever.
Quote from: Buck Naked on October 12, 2014, 07:36:59 AM
Being inundated with the "bigger is better" mentality since birth by the television, newspapers, and endless sea of billboards combined with a complete lack of necessary education to actually make an intelligent choice isn't really freedom either though. I'm all for Darwinism/natural selection thinning the herd as necessary but only on a level playing field, where objective information is just as accessible as a billboard or commercial that's trying to sell you something.
there is more than enough information to make an "intelligent" choice - past, present and future. Furthermore, the endless sea of billboards and so on are exactly what a capitalistic economy is all about. Sadly Ron White was correct when he said, "you can't fix stupid." Now lets steer a new course before the PC snags us both. ;D