Title: Barbers Vintage Festival- this weekend ! Post by: silas on October 09, 2014, 08:38:23 AM Anyone here going to Barbers Vintage Festival outside of Birmingham, AL this weekend? Epic event! Vincent is the featured marque I believe. I saw a M900 w/ about 90k on it one year. I'll be camping in lot C w/ a big group- on my TDM- the Monster is getting a break this year. Title: Re: Barbers Vintage Festival- this weekend ! Post by: brad black on October 10, 2014, 04:58:20 AM i'll be wandering around in a "brad the bike boy" t shirt, mainly so those who don't know what i look like might recognise me. there's quite a few people here i know, but have never seen sort of thing, so i don't know what they look like either.
hopefully it won't make me look like a total wanker. i saw some of the dime city cycles guys at brekky wearing their t shirts, so i guess it's an ok concept. Title: Re: Barbers Vintage Festival- this weekend ! Post by: The ModFather on October 13, 2014, 04:59:32 AM I know Johnny from Motoworks will be racing there this weekend. Looks very cool.