Title: adjusting air/fuel mixture Post by: WestonWith2 on July 13, 2008, 09:03:12 AM Hello everyone.
I'm in the process of modifying my exhaust and have read that this may disrupt the air/fuel mixture. I've also read that our monsters run on the lean side stock anyway. I'm wondering if there is anyway for joe or jane blow to adjust the air/fuel mixture themselves. I read a short review in MCN about a "Vehicle Diagnostic Scan Tool (software)" made by a company called technoresearch. The impression I got was that you could adjust this yourself if you had this product. I am not very tech-savy so I'm reluctant to shell out $195 without knowing the details ahead of time Thanks in advance for any input or personal experience with this product. Title: Re: adjusting air/fuel mixture Post by: Howie on July 13, 2008, 09:13:14 AM You would need the software plus an exhaust analyzer. You would still be only adjusting fuel trim.
Title: Re: adjusting air/fuel mixture Post by: WestonWith2 on July 13, 2008, 10:11:05 AM Thanks for the quick reply. I had to google "fuel trim" to see *exactly* what that was. Considering this, maybe I'd be in way over my head by getting this product.