Title: Does our 2005 S2R 800 have a slipper clutch? Post by: MV on January 22, 2015, 12:06:09 AM Just took it for the first ride since the test ride & the clutch is slipping at high RPM, APTC fault? Assuming it has one...
Also the clutch only engages at the very last part of the lever travel, is this normal? Title: Re: Does our 2005 S2R 800 have a slipper clutch? Post by: koko64 on January 22, 2015, 12:10:43 AM Is there an adjustment screw in the lever you can back off?
Title: Re: Does our 2005 S2R 800 have a slipper clutch? Post by: MV on January 22, 2015, 12:16:24 AM Stock levers, think so, just wondering if it's normal though.
Edit: Just backed off the lever, should engage closer now, might have been a lack of clearnace causing the slip... I'll have to test it again tomorrow. Still curious about the clutch though. Title: Re: Does our 2005 S2R 800 have a slipper clutch? Post by: koko64 on January 22, 2015, 12:21:13 AM Might want to get a little screwdriver and adjust it out a little to give a bit more free play to see if it helps. Otherwise there are quite a few threads on issues with wet clutches from oil sensitivity to adjustment/stack height to spring wear thru to major failures.
Title: Re: Does our 2005 S2R 800 have a slipper clutch? Post by: techno on January 22, 2015, 12:23:45 AM That's why I put adjustable levers on mine early on. There in no way to adjust the clutch friction point. I had to have the lever almost fully out to get the clutch to grab. Adjustable levers fixed it.
Title: Re: Does our 2005 S2R 800 have a slipper clutch? Post by: MV on January 22, 2015, 12:33:36 AM That's why I put adjustable levers on mine early on. There in no way to adjust the clutch friction point. I had to have the lever almost fully out to get the clutch to grab. Adjustable levers fixed it. OK, thanks for the feedback. Yes, adjustable levers are very high on the list of a growing list! ;D Title: Re: Does our 2005 S2R 800 have a slipper clutch? Post by: Two dogs on January 22, 2015, 02:01:26 AM Sounds like it may need new friction plates :-[
If its slipping at high revs and its an '05 with high...ish Ks chances are the friction plates are all used up. Unless the prev owner has re newed the plates and make the beast with two backsed around with the lever adjuster screw ..... unlikely. Not a big deal wet clutch you can do your self just add $$ and some elbo grease. It wont dump all the oil when you open it up ,some but not all so best not do it in the living room or on the terra cotta tiles around the pool. Plenty of wet plates on ebay or check Gowenlocks etc just watch you dont damage the gasket . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFv6YIK3WyY (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFv6YIK3WyY) Title: Re: Does our 2005 S2R 800 have a slipper clutch? Post by: MV on February 01, 2015, 03:06:01 AM OK, fixed the lever play & the clutch is definitely slipping when you give it a fistful at around 6K RPM.
Is it usually springs or plates that go on these? & anyone know if ti has the APTC clutch? 2005 model AU delivered. Seems like does on the downshifts, but that might just be the clutch slipping... Title: Re: Does our 2005 S2R 800 have a slipper clutch? Post by: Betty on February 01, 2015, 10:24:11 AM Is it usually springs or plates that go on these? & anyone know if ti has the APTC clutch? 2005 model AU delivered. Seems like does on the downshifts, but that might just be the clutch slipping... Yes the 2005 S2R has the APTC clutch. Beyond that I can't help you ... we have not replaced the clutch on the wet-clutch bikes, only the dry. Of course when I say we ... I mean she. Title: Re: Does our 2005 S2R 800 have a slipper clutch? Post by: stopintime on February 01, 2015, 03:08:32 PM The first signs of slip is usually by max torque, which is at ~6,000 revs full throttle.
My first two APTC S2R clutches started slipping at 25K and 50K km. The third was still fine at 90K km - possibly/probably because I changed from full synthetic to semi-synthetic oil.... Title: Re: Does our 2005 S2R 800 have a slipper clutch? Post by: MV on February 01, 2015, 06:23:37 PM OK thanks for the info guys. Yep, 6K full throttle, better order some clutch plates...