Title: New guy from Brazil Post by: ChrisReidBR on January 26, 2015, 08:08:34 AM Hey guys, greetings!!
My name is Chris, short for Christian, and I'm from São Paulo, Brazil I've learned to ride quite some time ago, about 10 years, but I never actually owned a bike. That said, I think of myself as a newbie in riding. My dad had an yellow-and-black 87 Honda XLX 350 and I've learned to ride on that. It was one hell of a cool bike for me, and I would regularly run away with it without permission. ;D Some years ago he sold it to my uncle who managed to beat the crap out of it, and I've never seen the bike again. :'( Well, I've always been an enormous fan of Ducati, probably like many of you, and I'm thinking about getting a Monster for myself. My thoughts are on the 695 or 696. Not sure yet, but I've seen some threads about this discussion. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to choose yet, but my feelings tell me it's gonna be a 695. Any thoughts on that would be appreciated. Oh, and I'm in love with this look. Kind of a modern cafe racer style. (http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/53/18/25/5318256a7d24e196904ee8b19c181a24.jpg) |