Title: Insurance tripled due to bike reclassification Post by: Lucumon on February 06, 2015, 08:40:21 AM I thought I'd let you all know today's snail mail shock: My 2012 Ducati Monster 1100 Evo that was $306 for a year's worth of insurance through Rider Insurance Virginia last year will be $1,129 for the next year according to the renewal notice.
I called Rider and asked what was going on... the rep said all Ducatis have been re-classed as sport bikes due to the high loss they've taken. The good news is that Progressive has quoted me $346 in Northern Virginia so it will be a wash.... but I wanted people to be aware should they have Rider. Title: Re: Insurance tripled due to bike reclassification Post by: He Man on February 06, 2015, 11:36:33 AM what portion of your insruance is hit the hardest? (liability, comp, collison?)
Title: Re: Insurance tripled due to bike reclassification Post by: MikeZ on February 06, 2015, 12:20:42 PM I'm with Rider in MD and they reclassified mine but it only went up $35 a year. It only has liability so that may be the difference.
Title: Re: Insurance tripled due to bike reclassification Post by: muskrat on February 08, 2015, 01:57:14 PM if you have PIP (Medical) they'll kill you every time. You already have medical from work, I suppose, and if so drop that part which is the most expensive.
Title: Re: Insurance tripled due to bike reclassification Post by: hbliam on February 08, 2015, 06:43:12 PM Results may vary.
Medical payments if I am injured is one of the cheapest parts of my policy. The most expense part is medical payments if I injure someone. Title: Re: Insurance tripled due to bike reclassification Post by: Curmudgeon on February 09, 2015, 06:27:06 PM Maybe you should post this info in CAM too? Wonder if it's just Rider in VA or any other VA insurers? My bikes, car and house are with Allstate. The bikes only for required VA liability X2$. Nothing else. If mine goes up, I'll freak... :o
Title: Re: Insurance tripled due to bike reclassification Post by: muskrat on February 11, 2015, 07:21:19 PM Results may vary. The most expensive insurance is none at all. This is why I said if you have it through work your "a" ok, provid d you wear the proper gear. Sometimes they deny a claim if you're not wearing a helmet, for instance. Medical payments if I am injured is one of the cheapest parts of my policy. The most expense part is medical payments if I injure someone. |