Title: Fastidious, really, is my middle name Post by: eric on February 06, 2015, 10:50:23 AM While browsing Cycletrader today, I saw an ad for a machine whose condition will never be topped. Here's a direct quote:
"The original owner keeps his bikes in a hermetically sealed, climate controlled old bank vault in an undisclosed location. He only rides when it's between 68-72 degrees, lightly cloudy (no sun fade) and the dew point should be around 55-59. As a precaution the original owner only rides roads that have been recently cleaned, thereby avoiding any errant rock chipping. Fastidious, actually, really, is his middle name." How much does the owner ask for this unicorn? $18,499. Myself, I've been looking for a motorcycle that's been ridden only at the precise dew point of 55-59 for such a long time that I'm already pulling out the checkbook. (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-n2iV7d6qzTE/VNT3Sc701dI/AAAAAAAAEXA/Q3aw6tmDo3Y/s1600/Fastidious.PNG) direct link: http://www.cycletrader.com/listing/2007-Ducati-SPORT-CLASSIC-1000-S-114064478 (http://www.cycletrader.com/listing/2007-Ducati-SPORT-CLASSIC-1000-S-114064478) Title: Re: Fastidious, really, is my middle name Post by: The Don on February 07, 2015, 06:29:00 PM Lol that's hilarious
Title: Re: Fastidious, really, is my middle name Post by: Rudemouthsky on February 07, 2015, 08:19:34 PM 18k for a used wet clutch SC1000 is the real joke within that ad. >:(
Title: Re: Fastidious, really, is my middle name Post by: Speeddog on February 07, 2015, 09:56:07 PM I'm surprised he could tolerate the different font between the "1" and the "6".
Title: Re: Fastidious, really, is my middle name Post by: brad black on February 08, 2015, 12:31:47 AM I'm surprised he could tolerate the different font between the "1" and the "6". that's just hideous isn't it. Title: Re: Fastidious, really, is my middle name Post by: ungeheuer on February 08, 2015, 12:57:07 AM Title: Re: Fastidious, really, is my middle name Post by: geoffduc on February 08, 2015, 02:16:11 AM Now gentlemen each to his own... [bang]
Geoff... [coffee] Title: Re: Fastidious, really, is my middle name Post by: Ducatamount on February 08, 2015, 04:19:01 AM a fine line between fastidious and fastidiot.
Title: Re: Fastidious, really, is my middle name Post by: red baron on February 08, 2015, 07:34:43 AM I'm surprised he could tolerate the different font between the "1" and the "6". Possibly intentional for that old skool look. Given those weather parameters he rode it once in the bay area. [laugh] Did mostrobelle write that. [thumbsup] Title: Re: Fastidious, really, is my middle name Post by: Monstyr on February 09, 2015, 03:29:47 AM Ignoring the comedy write up thats pretty much what these are going for in the UK.
And the Ducati made side panels are just unobtainable and therefore hugely expensive too. I find it odd on all these bikes that the OE Pirelli Phantoms are still fitted as they are quite possibly the worst modern tyre I've ever ridden on, though I suppose if it's just for looks then that may not be a factor for a buyer. Title: Re: Fastidious, really, is my middle name Post by: Nekkid Tim on February 11, 2015, 10:06:22 AM .
Title: Re: Fastidious, really, is my middle name Post by: 1.21GW on February 11, 2015, 01:47:22 PM These bikes are for a certain personality type, and not really anyone that enjoys riding. As with all generalizations, there are no doubt exceptions that sentence of course. But as you indicated, Tim, I've likewise heard from a bunch of people that have ridden them that they aren't really that comfortable or fun. I'm not yet had the (dis)pleasure myself, though.
Title: Re: Fastidious, really, is my middle name Post by: brad black on February 11, 2015, 04:47:12 PM anecdotal evidence suggests it's a very good chassis. they did very well in racing, certainly at club and even some national levels punching well above their weight.
Title: Re: Fastidious, really, is my middle name Post by: 1.21GW on February 11, 2015, 09:58:15 PM I always enjoy learning something by being wrong. Thanks Brad! [thumbsup]
Title: Re: Fastidious, really, is my middle name Post by: Monstyr on February 12, 2015, 02:02:59 AM Yes they are uncomfortable compared to most other bikes but they handle well at brisk pace and are a great real world roadbike, I've owned one for seven years- a SC1000S, it sits alongside my S2R (which is fitted with clip ons) and is the bike of choice if I'm out for the day.
Like Monsters, a few tweaks make them more practical, some of the same tweaks that many on here have also done too, like 14t front sprocket and bigger clutch slave which alleviates the strain on the left forearm, it's possible to raise the bars too but I haven't bothered, much of my other mods are purely aesthetic. I've done over 600 miles in a day on it on occasion and while it's not the most relaxing riding posture it's something you just adapt to and doesn't stop me from choosing it in preference to my other bikes. Anyone who says they aren't fun isnt riding them properly, pootling around town or cruising on long straight roads is not where these bikes are at home and they're not ideal in these environments. I'm staggered by the price of them now, I was given a hefty discount when I bought mine new and I know of one that sold (actually 'sold for' and not just 'advertised at', price) for more than the one here, this is getting curiously close to doubling my purchase price. :o I hope the prices settle down a bit as if they keep going up then more of these will just be used as display pieces rather than what they were meant for. Title: Re: Fastidious, really, is my middle name Post by: Nekkid Tim on February 12, 2015, 04:28:44 AM .
Title: Re: Fastidious, really, is my middle name Post by: reverus on February 12, 2015, 09:44:56 AM same reason a wrecked, unrepaired, ugly, no exhaust, abused POS of a gixxer sold for more money, and sooner than my low milage, babied, VFR800 that was a year newer. People are crazy and the market reflects it.
Title: Re: Fastidious, really, is my middle name Post by: Nekkid Tim on February 12, 2015, 12:37:31 PM .
Title: Re: Fastidious, really, is my middle name Post by: brad black on February 12, 2015, 05:18:06 PM supply and demand. we couldn't give single shock ones away when they were new. i think we sold 3 maybe total. plus as many ps10000 as we could get our hands on. i forget now, but i reckon we had 10 - 15 go through.
guy martin was running one in canada and doing very well. i recall him saying it was the best handling 2v chassis they'd run. |