Title: Yamaha Infrared Post by: Speedbag on February 13, 2015, 04:29:11 AM http://lanesplitter.jalopnik.com/the-yamaha-infrared-is-a-cafe-racerd-v-max-freak-1685503480 (http://lanesplitter.jalopnik.com/the-yamaha-infrared-is-a-cafe-racerd-v-max-freak-1685503480)
Want. Time to find a derelict 'Max..... [evil] Title: Re: Yamaha Infrared Post by: Speedbag on February 13, 2015, 05:00:20 AM And more: http://thebikeshed.cc/2015/02/13/jvb-moto-vmax-infrared/ (http://thebikeshed.cc/2015/02/13/jvb-moto-vmax-infrared/)
Title: Re: Yamaha Infrared Post by: kopfjÀger on February 13, 2015, 05:06:19 AM [evil] That would be a beast.
Title: Re: Yamaha Infrared Post by: dbran1949 on February 13, 2015, 09:07:25 AM The last picture on the second link looks like they increased the size of the front tire. Not sure where this trend originated where the front tire is the same size or close to the size of the rear tire. I like the look of the bike but this trend toward large front tires doesn't look good to me
Title: Re: Yamaha Infrared Post by: Speedbag on February 13, 2015, 12:38:17 PM About 10-15 years ago, there was a local guy with a really sweet V-Max that I used to see around occasionally. It was more or less stock in appearance, other than having a really nice yellow and black custom paint scheme. The engine was nowhere near stock, and had some wicked cams in it plus a header and a nitrous bottle hanging off the side. The thing gave me a boner every time I saw and heard it.
That bike, as well as this one, gives me a lot of bad ideas. [evil] Title: Re: Yamaha Infrared Post by: Monsterlover on February 21, 2015, 03:15:51 PM That's sick!