Title: the answer to people stuck watching races on your portable apple device. Post by: Düb Lüv on February 14, 2015, 03:50:10 PM it seems like i find myself watching the races on my phone more than on a computer. i feel like everytime i would watch a race on my computer, it would end up buffering way too much ruining the race. i finally sorta upgraded to an iphone 5 and found that there's a hdmi adaptor. i read reviews about the resolution being full 1080p or slight distorted picture so i was skeptical.
since the first is next week, i at least wanted to try out the apple lightning to hdmi adaptor. its plug and play with no setup. i was shocked the picture quality. better than i was expecting. i watched the 2015 wsbk season preview and was much more enjoyable. it's on sale at bestbuy right now and at $43.99 it might be worth looking into. (http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x251/seusssandm/85EC2CB7-B1B6-4918-A067-51686ECA7FA0.jpg) (http://s181.photobucket.com/user/seusssandm/media/85EC2CB7-B1B6-4918-A067-51686ECA7FA0.jpg.html) http://www.bestbuy.com/site/apple-lightning-digital-a-v-adapter-white/7007013.p?id=1218828012584&skuId=7007013 (http://www.bestbuy.com/site/apple-lightning-digital-a-v-adapter-white/7007013.p?id=1218828012584&skuId=7007013) Title: Re: the answer to people stuck watching races on your portable apple device. Post by: duccarlos on February 17, 2015, 11:36:47 AM I have my Mac Mini attached to my TV. No issues here.