Title: Hello from SEPA (Montco/Bucks) Post by: sokalled on April 08, 2015, 09:26:31 AM Picked up my second bike, a 2009 696 Dark (1st was a '00 750 Dark). I'm very excited. ;D ;D ;D I'm actually not riding much at all though because I need better gear. This old helmet's fitting foam disitigrated and now it sits too big and this hotshot JoeRocket Jacket would help for about the first .001 second of a slide. I'm planning on going ATGATT and since I spent all the money I didn't have on the bike [coffee] I just sits and I just waits. Pretty nice to look at though :o :o :o I've got some leads on some used gear. Right now though I'm trying to get into the PMSC PAMPS CRC2 or whatever it's called near my office at MiddleBucks IT, but classes are full for at least another month [bang] [bang] [bang]
Title: Re: Hello from SEPA (Montco/Bucks) Post by: ungeheuer on April 09, 2015, 01:12:48 AM Welcome aboard [thumbsup]