Title: Vermont Registration Post by: He Man on April 14, 2015, 04:15:04 PM Does anyone here know of someone in Vermont that has a shop that can sign off on the "modified for highway use" forms for me? All of these "inspection stations" are actually just mechanics shops that are able to do safety inspections and a haul up there is a LONG haul for 10 minutes of paper work.
I pretty much only ride in NJ and honestly, I will remove the turn signals after I get the inspection anyway since they don't require them and they'll juts get ripped right off on my first ride ( NJ allows the use of hand signs). Aside from that my bike is setup to be street legal. Title: Re: Vermont Registration Post by: He Man on April 16, 2015, 04:30:35 PM ok, lets try something else, does anyone know of a moto safety inspection place in south vermont that they would recommend?
Title: Re: Vermont Registration Post by: Dirty Duc on April 16, 2015, 09:15:18 PM Hmm... these kinds of threads on the RX-7 forums always got handled by passing the "emissions hookup" request to a member who was LEO or DMV...
Title: Re: Vermont Registration Post by: He Man on April 17, 2015, 07:03:24 AM If someone can provide that sort of hook up, that would be nice. I can't tell you how many times people ask for help, but arent willing to dish it out. Such is the life of the internet!
I did find a shop in southern vermont that will do it. So I just need to pave the road myself and get her titled. |